Organizational Learning in Wildland Fire: Moving Toward a Learning Culture Raytheon Presentation May 12, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Organizational Learning in Wildland Fire: Moving Toward a Learning Culture Raytheon Presentation May 12, 2005

Objectives Review background behind Lessons Learned Center (LLC) Where fire community has come in 3 years using the LLC Where do we need to go?

Setting the Stage Diverse interagency community Are we learning the lessons? Clear link needed to training

Lessons Learned Center Objectives Improve organizational learning Improve safe work performance Share knowledge Promote organizational change

What is a Learning Organization? An organization skilled at… Creating, acquiring, interpreting, transferring, and retaining knowledge. Purposefully modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights.

Critical Tasks A learning organization tries to do six things … 1. Collect intelligence about the environment. 2. Learn from the best practices of other organizations. 3. Learn from its own experiences and past history.

4. Experiment with new approaches. Continued … 4. Experiment with new approaches. 5. Encourage systematic problem solving. 6. Transfer knowledge throughout the organization.

Center Focus Areas Collection and Analysis Knowledge Retention Knowledge Transfer

After Action Reviews (AARs) An inexpensive, simple, systematic process that has the power to change an entire work culture: 1. What did we set out to do? 2. What actually happened? 3. Why was there a difference? 4. What are we going to do next time?

AARs Begin The Knowledge Transfer Process Most of the AAR results will be used to enhance or sustain the performance of your unit or team. “Gems and nuggets” will surface that are valuable to others, but only if they can have access to the knowledge.

AAR Rollup to the Lessons Learned Center A tool for collecting the gems and nuggets from your AAR: 1. Describe one or more of your successes that others can learn from? 2. What was one of the challenges you faced and how did you overcome it? 3. How can training be improved? 4. What are your recommendations for any unresolved issues?

Information Collection Teams (ICT) Collection plan developed Collect tactics, techniques, procedures, processes Initial Impressions Report shared ICTs do not investigate or review

2004 Collection Team Efforts States – Southern Fire Chiefs and Northeast Fire Supervisors Alaska Wildland Fires Wildland Fire Use Event Hurricane Response

Center Focus Areas Collection and Analysis Knowledge Retention Knowledge Transfer

Communities of Practice: A Key Component Informal group of people with similar work-related activities and interests Can belong to multiple agencies or reporting structures Community members regularly transfer and retain knowledge

Center Focus Areas Collection and Analysis Knowledge Retention Knowledge Transfer

Workshops Achieving The Learning Organization Managing The Unexpected: Assuring High Performance in an Age of Complexity Overcoming Our Immunities To Change

High Reliability Organizing Organizations having “less than their fair share of accidents” even though they perform, sometimes on a daily basis, high-risk operations. Organize themselves in such a way that they are better able to notice the unexpected and halt its development.

Capturing Stories Important venue to share knowledge with others, especially with those who are nearing retirement. Burn Boss Stories FMO Lessons Learned Fire Effects Monitoring Stories FBA Experiences Portal Experiences

Moving Forward Adopt a culture of continuous organizational learning Focus effort on the entire wildland fire profession Expand the pockets of learning to the entire community

Summary Review background behind Lessons Learned Center (LLC) Where fire community has come in 3 years using the LLC as a resource Where do we need to go? Paula Nasiatka, Center Manager (520) 799-8760 Dave Christenson, Asst. Ctr. Mgr. (520) 799-8761