15.2 JFK and the Cold War
1. Flexible Response Soviet Union supporting “wars of national liberation” “the greatest single problem that faces John Kennedy is how to meet the aggressive power of the Communist bloc.” flexible response – buildup of conventional troops and weapons to help small nations fight Communism Special forces – Green Berets
2. Helping Other Countries Alliance for Progress – aid projects with Latin America mixed success Peace Corps – legacy of JFK’s presidency young Americans spend 2 years in countries that request assistance doing various service jobs
3. Space Race 1957 – Sputnik launched 1961 Yuri Gagarin, Soviet astronaut, is first to orbit the earth “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon.” 1965 – three men launched into orbit in Apollo July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin land on the moon: “Houston, the Eagle has landed.” “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
4. Bay of Pigs 1959 Fidel Castro overthrew Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista Immediately established alliance with Soviet Union land reforms, seized American-owned businesses Americans feared Soviets would use Cuba as a base Eisenhower authorized CIA to train Cuban exiles – La Brigada – to start an uprising against Castro
4. Bay of Pigs, cont. April 17, 1961 – 1400 of La Brigada landed at Bay of Pigs JFK tried to hide US involvement, so called back airstrikes In 2 days, Fidel’s forces killed or captured almost all members of La Brigada DISASTER for the US
5. Berlin Wall Khrushchev wants to stop mass exodus (emigration) of East Berliners to the west through West Berlin He demands western powers recognized East Germany and pull out of Berlin Kennedy refused, so Khrushchev builds the “Berlin Wall”, sealing East Berlin from West Berlin
6. Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 – American intelligence picks up arrival of Soviet equipment in Cuba October 22, Kennedy announced that spy planes had photos of long-range missiles in Cuba Orders naval blockade of Cuba to stop delivery of more weapons and put pressure on Cuba/USSR Americans braced for nuclear war Secret negotiations avoided war no invasion of Cuba no American missiles in Turkey
7. Impact of the Missile Crisis Brought the world close to WW3 – Nuclear War Soviets and U.S. backed down to lessen tensions 1963 agreed to treaty to ban nuclear testing in the atmosphere Khrushchev, humiliated, falls from power in 1964 Soviet arms buildup because they are afraid of their own “missile gap”