Joint PA7,PA8 and PA9 SG Meeting Bratislava 15 May 2013 Presentation of the PA7 Project Proposals and Topics offered for Common Cooperation PA7+PA8+PA9 Joint PA7,PA8 and PA9 SG Meeting Bratislava 15 May 2013
Pre-Danubean Strategy Activities ETC South East Europe & ETC Central Europe Transnational Programmes Succesfull projects with Slovak Lead Partners: Autoclusters and Autonet Projects brought together Universities, R&D institutions, SME to prepare and create first Automotive network in South-East Europe and Central Europe, partners from SVK, GER, A, HU, CZ, PL, IT, RO, BG, SLO, CRO, SRB
Ideas for future project cooperation: Vocational Education & Training Presentation of the PA7 Project Proposals and Topics offered for Common Cooperation PA7+PA8+PA9 Ideas for future project cooperation: Vocational Education & Training Roma Education Academy of Education for Decommissioning R&D in Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
Vocational Education & Training Increase the employment success of students, development of qualified work-force complying with the need of jobs market Connecting education and practice through dual apprenticeship Support to co-operation with private sector (engineering and electrotechnics, automotive, energy, chemical industry, ...) Focus on decrease of the gap between education and „real life“ needs First discussions with GER & A partners allready started
Roma Education Support to the education of marginalised Roma communities on all levels of schools begining from predprimary Focus on inclusive approach in education and community type of education (children, familly, community) Development of practical skills needed for the job market Implementation of system of full-day education (supplementing the education with organized free-time activities
Academy of Education for Decommissioning Significant experience of Slovakia with decommissioning Education and training of EU experts in the fields: nuclear safety and security treatment of radioactive waste technical and managerial aspects of decommissioning
R&D in Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Experience of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and of the National Forest Centre in Zvolen in those areas Strong potential for future involvement in projects related to the Danube region Focus on – plants, ecology and forestry
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Presentation of the PA7 Project Proposals and Topics offered for Common Cooperation PA7+PA8+PA9 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION