Welcome 9th Grade Success Team Administrators Counselors Media Specialists Teachers Drop in failure rate and disciplinary actions since the implementation of this team and other interventions specifically for our 9th graders.
Typical Day at Brookwood Before the 7:24 bell… Buses unload between 6:55-7:00am Commons Area Extra Help Report to class bell at 7:15am Report to 1st period.
A Typical Day at Brookwood Seven Periods: 52 minute classes Guided Study/Lunch Study Hall Habitudes Advisement UPSTANDER Extended Lunch 6 minute class change TAP (Tardy Accountability Program) Open House: September 11
Procedures Check-In Check-Out Absences Sick? attendance Office Student- check-out note to attendance office before 7:15am Attendance office will call to verify Student will receive a check-out slip at appropriate time. Pick up student at the maroon gym lobby Absences PARTIAL DAY- absence note to attendance office FULL DAY- absence note to first period teacher Date, reason, parent signature, and parent telephone number If for a Dr. Appt., must have Dr. Note to be excused Sick? Check out through the clinic Clinic will call you to pick up your student Don’t text and leave…
In addition to the schedule, there are other differences and... “ninth graders often struggle more than they did in middle school because they must earn passing grades for the first time, must participate in an increased number of standardized tests, and must complete more rigorous coursework than they have ever before completed, including more frequent homework assignments" (McCallumore and Sparapani, 2010).
The Power of a Zero The Wrecking Ball of Grades Sample Student with all Sample Student with same passing grades and passing grades and zeroes 2 zeroes replaced with 50s 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 50 0 50 88 88 70 70 95 95 grade average: 69/F grade average: 82/B
According to national data… "...the ninth grade has the highest failure rate, highest number of absences among students, and the largest number of discipline referrals" (Donegan, 2008).
These factors then contribute to students getting off track... Not Passing Classes - Do not ask for help - Do not complete make-up work - Numerous absences Absences - Do not complete make-up work - Numerous absences - Overwhelmed upon return because of number of classes Refer to agenda book for dress code. Disciplinary Consequences: Lunch detention, Administrative Detention, Saturday School, ISS, OSS **If a student does NOT attend Admin. Det., they will then receive Sat. School. If they don’t attend Sat. school, the student will receive ISS. With this on their record, it could make them ineligible for certain officer positions in clubs, the Miss BHS pageant, Homecoming ct. and any other activities that require a discipline check. Discipline Infractions - Failure to follow directions - Tardy to class - Inappropriate dress
Promotion Requirements 9th to 10th 5 units 10th to 11th 11 units 11th to 12th 17 units **Promotion only occurs at the conclusion of school year **Grade placement and on-track to graduate do not share the same meaning **2 units of modern/classical languages are required for university admission in the state of Georgia. Students must meet graduation rules and standardized assessment requirements as determined by state and district policies.
Math Expectations STAY ON TRACK! Get help now if needed! Expectations: Credit recovery Summer school Trailer courses Must fulfill prerequisites before moving on Get help now if needed! After/before help from teachers Expectations: Homework Study Show work
History Geography AP Human Geography
Language Arts Expectations Keep up with the reading! Study regularly for vocabulary quizzes. Notice office hours…ask for help. EOC Read for FUN! Better Reader = Better Writer
Biology Expectations Subject is very vocabulary intensive Online book – access through eClass, CD available for checkout from media center Gateway – most topics from Biology Summative assessment 5 tests / 1 project (gifted -4 tests / 2 projects) EOC/Milestones - Labs - Safety Contract / appropriate behavior Homework Held accountable Self motivation required
Academic Support Freshman Academy Teacher Office Hours Offered during extended lunch Beginning at the 3-week grading period Teacher Office Hours
Is this a punitive measure? Absolutely NOT Academic Support Academic Intervention Purpose/Goal Student Expectations/Opportunities Parents’ Response Brookwoodhighschool.net Go to Academics>Academic Intervention Is this a punitive measure? Absolutely NOT How should I react if my child is assigned to attend AI? -Supportive, Encouraging, Thankful
Academic Support Math Intervention Additional Math Support Fluid Program Based on AKS Mastery
Media Center Before and after-school hours Access during school day Resources available to students Certified assistance Media Center website bhsmediacenter.weebly.com Access through eCLASS
Home Connection Student access to eClass Calendar feature Textbooks Course content Parent Portal is updated each day 6-week and 12-week progress reports Not required to be signed
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Other Online Resources
For additional questions/concerns, please contact the following: AP Human Geography: colleen_blankenship@gwinnett.k12.ga.us Math: megan_gayle@gwinnett.k12.ga.us Biology: greg_puckett@gwinnett.k12.ga.us Language Arts: angie_mclane@gwinnett.k12.ga.us 9th Grade Concerns: heather_parkerson@gwinnett.k12.ga.us