Rick Nowlan – Innovation Advisor NRC-IRAP
Diverting Why? How do I get Started? Good for the Environment! Good PR! Possible New Revenue Stream! How do I get Started? Concierge collaborates interdepartmentally at the federal level as well as with provinces, territories, municipalities, the post-secondary education system, incubators, accelerators and the emerging national network for business innovation and cluster support. Collaboration enables an in depth knowledge of a broad range of programs/services and a mechanism to provide strategic feedback to improve the quality and impact of our programs that support innovation. With a collaborative, whole of government approach, Concierge takes the shared responsibility to maximize government funding seriously. Investigate Research Tap into a Research Institution Hire a Student/COOP/Recent Grad
There’s a lot of Help Out There! Concierge collaborates interdepartmentally at the federal level as well as with provinces, territories, municipalities, the post-secondary education system, incubators, accelerators and the emerging national network for business innovation and cluster support. Collaboration enables an in depth knowledge of a broad range of programs/services and a mechanism to provide strategic feedback to improve the quality and impact of our programs that support innovation. With a collaborative, whole of government approach, Concierge takes the shared responsibility to maximize government funding seriously.
Navigating programs This is a fraction of the programs that exist.
What is the Concierge Service? Personalized and Free Experts Installations Concierge is a single access point to: funding expertise facilities global opportunities Clients Served: 2014-15: 3,200 2015-16: 4,600+ 2016-17: 3,259* (*data as of Dec 1, 2016) Over 13,000 client engagements since launch (Dec. 2013) 14 Innovation Advisors across Canada Call Centre (Information Officers)
NRC -IRAP Eligibility Criteria: INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (IRAP) Helps SMEs with specific innovation project activities – supporting labour costs towards pre-defined technical objectives. Type: Grants, Advisory Services YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Helps SMEs by providing financial assistance to hire highly skilled post- secondary graduates (Type: Non refundable contribution towards first year salary) YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM (Green) Helps SMEs hire students (COOP), for a 3 – 6 month term, to help with an innovation project. (Type: Non refundable contribution) 240+ Industrial Technology Advisors (ITA) Eligibility Criteria: SME – less than 500 employees Incorporated The firm must carry out a project with the objective to develop or adapt technology for new or improved products, processes or services in Canada or that will assist or enhance its ability to innovate, enhance its productivity, and improve its competitiveness. (Technical Risk)
Thank-you Peter Howell Rick Nowlan Peter Howell Innovation Advisor Tel: 709-772-8410 Peter.Howell@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca Thank-you Peter Howell Innovation Advisor Tel: 709-772-8410 Peter.Howell@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca Rick Nowlan Innovation Advisor Tel: 506-856-8208 Rick.Nowlan@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca