Regional Haze SIP Development Working Group WESTAR Spring Business Meeting May 9, 2001
Working Group Members Alice Edwards, AK Theresa Pella, AZ (co-chair) Lucille Van Ommering, CA Steve Arnold, CO (co-chair) Diane Riley, ID Jim Smitherman, NV Rita Trujillo, NM Dana Mount, ND Brian Finneran, OR Tim Rogers, SD Dave McNeill, UT Doug Schneider, WA Darla Potter, WY Bud Rolfson, F&WS Tribes EPA Bob Lebens, WESTAR
Progress Report February 2001 meeting to review final draft templates/identify and discuss “gaps” with WRAP forum chairs and EPA WESTAR compiling final templates Final product expected to be delivered to Northern Air Managers/WGA by end of June 2001 Will continue to track outstanding issues through WESTAR Planning Committee
Outstanding Issues Request to IOC to develop criteria for determining “significant” EPA to look into conformity impacts from RH SIP mobile source emission budgets Follow up with Fire Forum regarding development of criteria for “enhanced” smoke management programs Follow up with NAM regarding guidance for doing RA/RH BART analyses
Outstanding Issues, cont. EPA to look into whether 309 states which opt into 308 may participate in market trading program EPA to look into whether WRAP modeling will be sufficient to show all western states participated in regional planning