Transforming Corrections and Substance use Treatment Blueprint for Reform Transforming Corrections and Substance use Treatment
Take Away? What can we do when we return home to make use of what we discussed these last three days (i.e. strategic planning)? And how can BJA and RSAT TTA help?
Some suggestions: RSAT funding to encourage, promote promising practices, RFPs adopting PPG, Positioning RSAT programs as pilot/demonstrations for the county and/or state, laboratory for innovation, i.e. introduction of PRISON/JAIL REENTRY MAT, pioneered from county and state RSAT pods Adopting policies that correctional post release referrals made only to treatment providers that offer MAT, "The PA DOC will no longer do business with service providers who do not, at all levels, support the use of MAT.”
More suggestions: 4) Enforce coordination of design and implementation of treatment between state correctional reps and the state alcohol and drug abuse agency, MA DOC worked with BSAS to establish network of 29 MAT providers across the state, up from just four! 5) Work with state Medicaid officials to remove preconditions for FDA approved medications for Alcohol/Opioid Use Disorders, R.I. DOC got preconditions removed when rolled out its MAT Reentry Program 6) Encourage/promote Harm Reduction strategies in correctional substance abuse programming, Admitting “low risk, but high need” addicts to RSAT, regardless of motivation, providing Naloxone to reentering inmates, families, educating about Good Samaritan law of state, educating inmates, family members and community about MAT, both agonist and antagonist medications.
A few more suggestions: 7) Promote “Medical Parole” for elderly, incapacitated inmates so that they may receive better, community-based healthcare, covered by Medicare/Medicaid, not State or County correctional budget, Older inmates fasted growing segment of US prison population, New Jersey: Medical Parole expected to save state $5 to $9 million per year, since 2000, number of inmates over 50 in NJ has jumped 90% to 3,000 while prison population in NJ has declined. Federal law: 28 CFR 2.77 8) Blend BJA/SAMHSA funding streams where possible to create larger systemic reform programming, 37% of RSAT programs currently funded by multiple federal funding programs. 9) Use Performance Measures to assess the quality and reach of RSAT programming, compare the data from your state subgrantees with national average
A final request: 10) Tell is how we can help you….