Dolphins By Jen
What do dolphins look like? Rounded bodies Flippers Tail flukes points Dorsal fin on back Smooth skin like rubber Blowhole
Where do dolphins live? Water habitat Asia and SA Rivers and oceans Fresh water and salt water
What do I know about dolphin babies? Mate spring and early summer Mother give birth to one calf Mother take care for over one year Calves see, hear, and swim good at the time they are born
What do dolphins eat? Fish , squid, and octopus Round teeth grab food Swallow food whole Break large fish with water surface Dolphins use echolocation to hunt and talk and learn.
Other Interesting Facts Dolphins pod helps protect sick dolphins or baby dolphins Largest dolphins is the killer whale Dolphins and whales belong to same family
Source Title: Dolphins Author: Adele D. Richardson Publisher: Bridgestone Books Copyright Date: 2001