1:Inform 2:Connect 3:Prepare It’s Time to Let Families Know KIDSCARE is Back! In 3 Easy Steps! 1:Inform 2:Connect Eligibility Under 19 Child is US citizen or qualified immigrant Under Income limit Parents’ immigration status does not matter Find Free, Bilingual Help to Apply 800 377-3536 3:Prepare Bring to appointment: SS Card for child, ID for child, residency (utility bill), proof of income, childcare expenses (if any) www.CoverAZ.org/connector Help families make an appointment with a trained bilingual assistor Premiums are as low as $10/month Never more than $70/month for all children No co-pays No deductibles Zip code Assistors can also help with AHCCCS or the MarketPlace applications Turn Over for FAQs
ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS KidsCare is health insurance for children in working families who earn too much for AHCCCS (Medicaid) yet earn too little to afford to pay for private health insurance for their children. Where can families get personalized, bilingual help to apply? Families can make an appointment with a trained Assistor by going to www.CoverAZ.org/connector or by calling toll free, 1-800.377.3536 How much do families have to pay for KidsCare? Monthly premiums for KidsCare start at $10 per month for one child and are never more than $70 per month for two or more children. There are no co-payments or deductibles. Families who have proof that their children are enrolled tribal members pay no premiums. Is it worth applying if a family might not qualify? YES! Trained assistors can help families find other low-cost health coverage if they don’t qualify for KidsCare. Who should apply? KidsCare is for children under 19 years old who are US citizens or qualified immigrants and Arizona residents and family income is under the income limit. Children who have lost health care coverage due to death, divorce, or job change of a parent or due to changes in coverage from a parent’s employer, may qualify for KidsCare with no waiting period. What if parents are not citizens? Parents’ immigration status is not a part of the KidsCare application. If parents already have health coverage for their children but they are struggling to pay for it, should they apply for KidsCare? Yes! Some children can qualify to switch to KidsCare without a 90 day waiting period. This includes families who are paying premiums above certain amounts. What about children with a chronic illness? Families should apply for KidsCare. Children with a chronic illness can switch to KidsCare without a 90 day waiting period. This occurs if the parent/applicant notes that the child has a medical condition that requires frequent and ongoing treatment and that if not properly treated will seriously affect the child’s overall health. Families should consult with a trained assistor before cancelling any coverage to make sure children qualify for KidsCare and have as much coverage as possible during the transition.