TRUE COLORS WORKSHEET Complete the True Colors score sheet. After determining your strongest “color” fill out the information from the slides onto your own worksheet to include in your profile for later
CURIOUS GREEN Basic need is for mental power, or to be seen as smart. Characteristics Analytical and conceptual (examines things, carefully, thinks in terms of ideas or concepts) Independent, self-motivated, and logical Thinks a lot Values gaining and sharing knowledge
CURIOUS GREEN Strengths and Needs Possesses problem-solving skills See relationship of parts to whole Requires independence of thought and opportunity to work alone Needs to ask questions to satisfy curiosity
CURIOUS GREEN At work, I am conceptual and an independent thinker. For me, work is play. I am drawn to constant challenge in careers, and like to develop models, explore ideas, or build systems to satisfy my need to deal with the innovative. Once I have perfected an idea, I prefer to move on, leaving the project to be maintained and supported by others.
CURIOUS GREEN Astronaut Anthropologist Ecologist Embalmer POSSIBLE CAREER / LIFE PATH CHOICES Attorney/Lawyer/Legal Assistant TV News Broadcaster/Journalist Engineer Criminologist Marine Biologist Computer Systems Analyst Psychiatrist Editor Industrial Designer Medical Researcher Veterinarian Geophysicist Chemist Architect/Urban Planner Advertising Executive Researcher Psychologist Social Scientist Critic Criminal Investigator Computer Programmer Technical Writer Astronaut Anthropologist Ecologist Embalmer Nuclear Medicine Technologist Photographer/Film Lab Tech. Mathematician/Actuary Judge University Professor Physician Physicist
ADVENTUROUS ORANGE Basic needs are for action, excitement, freedom, and to act on impulse. Characteristics Playful and fun-loving Competitive and adventurous Likes to take risks
ADVENTUROUS ORANGE Strengths and Needs Exhibits high energy and zeal Seizes opportunities; is clever Needs hands-on approach Requires variety and flexibility Possesses a sense of humour
ADVENTUROUS ORANGE At work, I am bored and restless with jobs that are routine and structured, and satisfied in careers that allow me independence and freedom while using my physical coordination and my love of tools. I view any kind of tool as an extension of self. I am a natural performer.
ADVENTUROUS ORANGE Flight Attendant Fashion Illustrator Police Officer POSSIBLE CAREER / LIFE PATH CHOICES Advertising Specialist Public Relations Specialist Sports Nutritionist Video Producer Dance Teacher Industrial Arts Teacher Medical & Scientific Illustrator Labour Relations Specialist Electrical Technician Childcare Worker Waiter/Waitress Firefighter/Paramedic Comedian Disk Jockey/Musician Flight Attendant Fashion Illustrator Police Officer Carpenter/Mechanic/Welder Artist/Sculptor Puppeteer Sales Representative Cosmetologist Bartender Interior Designer Broadcast Technician Actor/Actress Mediator Public Speaker Phys Ed Teacher/Coach Athlete Entrepreneur Real Estate Agent Politician
Basic needs are for harmony and positive, close relationships. Characteristics Friendly and sensitive Imaginative and communicative Wants to make the world a better place HARMONIOUS BLUE
Strengths and Needs Values the feelings of others Creates harmony Sees various sides of an issue Needs to feel emotionally connected with others Desires affirmation and encouragement from others HARMONIOUS BLUE
At work, I have a strong desire to influence others so they lead more significant live. I often work in the arts, communications, education, and the helping professions. I am adept at motivating and interacting with others. HARMONIOUS BLUE
HARMONIOUS BLUE POSSIBLE CAREER / LIFE PATH CHOICES Human Resources Manager Psychologist School Counsellor Social Scientist Flight Attendant Therapist Journalist Actor Host/Hostess Social Worker Advertising Specialist Creative Writer Tour Guide Minister/Rabbi Career Counsellor Airline Receptionist Rehabilitation Counsellor Reporter Teacher Salesperson Educational Consultant Public Relations Specialist Customer Service Representative Fundraiser Training Specialist Employment Interviewer Recreation Leader Travel Agent HARMONIOUS BLUE
Basic needs are for structure, security, and to be of help to others. Characteristics Organized and plans ahead Dependable, loyal, and responsible Follows the rules RESPONSIBLE GOLD
RESPONSIBLE GOLD Strengths and Needs Respects authority Needs order and sequence Responds well to a structured, stable environment RESPONSIBLE GOLD
At work, I provide stability and can maintain organization At work, I provide stability and can maintain organization. My ability to handle details and to work hard make me the backbone of many organizations. I believe that work comes before play, even if I must work overtime to complete the job. RESPONSIBLE GOLD
RESPONSIBLE GOLD Real Estate Agent/Broker Air Traffic Controller POSSIBLE CAREER / LIFE PATH CHOICES Dentist/Dental Hygienist Principal/Teacher Nurse/Radiology Technician Judge Financial Planner Public Administrator Lawyer/Court Reporter Manager (all fields) Computer Programmer Chiropractor Auto Body Repairer Forester Insurance Agent Accountant/Bookkeeper Post Office Clerk Police Officer Auditor Secretary/Receptionist Claims Clerk Real Estate Agent/Broker Air Traffic Controller Recreational Therapist Appliance Repairer Statistical Clerk Bank Officer/Teller School Counsellor Librarian Occupational Therapist Hospital/School Administrator Carpenter Physical Therapist Plumber Doctor Archivist and Curator Cashier Court Reporter RESPONSIBLE GOLD