WTK for APWTCL (WebTk for APWTCL) 1
History Start was about March 2012 Looking for a GUI for APWTCL Use of WTK (WebTk from Mark Roseman) 2
The Idea First try with WTK in APWTCL Has a client server model Server is administrating data for widgets Client is displaying widget contents on screen Communication either using socket interface or direct calls Events go back from client to server for actions on administrative side 3
How the Current Version Started After implementation of itclinjavascript reimplementation based of Jim Tcl (APWTCL) Use of WTK for that version Implement APWTCL based on javascript version in Java for Android smart phones Implement APWTCL based on Java version in Objective-C for iPhone (iOS) Need of a modified version of WTK 4
The Message Interface Use of new message format and contents between client and server Message format: M<length of message>:<message> Examples: M53:9:wtkclient11:createLabel4:obj113:Hello Chicago M33:9:wtkclient7:newGrid4:obj05:grid0 M38:9:wtkclient4:grid5:grid09:insertRow1:0 M48:9:wtkclient4:grid5:grid03:row1:010:insertCell1:0 5
The Client Side Decode and interpret message M53:9:wtkclient11:createLabel4:obj113:Hello Chicago After decoding: {wtkclient createLabel obj1 {Hello Chicago}} Convert to Command: WtkclientCreateLabel obj1 {Hello Chicago} WtkclientCreateLabel is the part doing the work This part is calling native GUI element functions Using introspection to call the function having the string of the function name 6
Different Approach for GUI Missing functionality for Tk like widgets Experiments with OpenGL ES Use of screen buffer implementation Use of primitives like Lines Triangles polygons Performance ok because of use of OpenGL ES for games Give it a try 7
Use of OpenGL ES OpenGL ES has graphics context as UI element on iPhone Use of vertices for lines and triangles Build Tk button with 2 triangles and border lines Use of touch screen event with use of x and y coordinates Gives possibility to recognize button events Change of border line colors for relief effects Idea of use of themed Tk functionality for implementation Outstanding test of freetype fonts 8
Status Server side part in Tcl for simple widgets partially done Client side decoding of messages and dispatching partially done Implemenation of GUI elements mostly missing Themed Tk implementation not yet started Freetype font and ftgles usage at the beginning of tests General strategy seems doable 9
Todos Implementation of themed Tk functionality Interface to and use of freetype fonts and ftgles Test suite Prepare alpha version Take care of feedback to that version Documentation Demos 10
Demo URL's Sorry (almost) none, only a poor one 11