Prajwol Devkota, D14 LTG District Secretary, Amanda Redublo BEE a Leader Prajwol Devkota, D14 LTG District Secretary, Amanda Redublo
WHAT ARE THE POSITIONS IN KEY CLUB? Key Club Leaders WHAT ARE THE POSITIONS IN KEY CLUB? CLUB: MEMBER – As an active member, performing service is your main duty! You should attend service events and serve your home, school, and community. EDITOR – Create and distribute a club newsletter. Write articles and submit them to the district TREASURER – Find fundraisers and take action in prompting your club to pay dues.
SECRETARY – Take minutes and accurately fill out the Monthly Report Form VICE PRESIDENT – Assist all officers within your club to achieve success. Overlook and/or lead committees. Help find service events and keep in touch with the faculty and Kiwanis advisor. PRESIDENT – Being a president of the club does not mean that you are of a higher position than any other officer. You should serve your club and guide them in the right direction.
DIVISION: REGION: INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT: DIVISION LEADERSHIP Lieutenant Governor Assistants Task Coordinators DISTRICT: DISTRICT BOARD Executives Appointed Positions News Editor Committee Chairs Lieutenant Governors REGION: REGION TEAM Region Advisors Lieutenant Governors INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL International President International Vice President International Trustees District Governors
BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL Tips On Beeing A Leader PROFESSIONALISM ATTIRE: Dress accordingly! If you have to second guess your outfit, DON’T WEAR IT You should always dress “one up” from your audience KEY CLUB CASUAL BUSINESS CASUAL BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL
Casual Key Club t-shirts Jeans Tennis Shoes No socks with sandals No sagging Wear this to: Key Club Socials Service Events School
SEE THOSE BEEAUTIFUL SMILES? Business Casual Slacks and Skirts Skirts must be at appropriate heights (below your fingertips) Dress Shirts Dress Shoes No Jeans No Sandals SEE THOSE BEEAUTIFUL SMILES?
Business Professional Always dress up rather than dressing down! Business Suits No sneakers, sandals, boots at formal events No White Socks No jeans or mini skirts Men should be shaven. Keep hairstyles simple. Look clean and presentable.
Communication SPEAKING Use proper grammar Do not use slang Enunciate your words so your audience can understand what you are saying Be polite and prompt with your topic Do not prolong your presentation longer than you need to. Speak to the back of the room Tone and loudness must match the topic at hand as well as environment
E-MAIL Keep your members in the loop! Have a professional signature: BEE inspiring with your words. Keep your members in the loop! Frequency –> communications Reread and be mindful of tone Stay professional BEE concise Have a professional signature: Name Position Division, Region District Contact information
ACTIVE LISTENING Pay Attention! Feedback Be aware of your surroundings Stay sharp! Remember deadlines! Two sided Talking TO people, not AT them Ask questions to show you are paying attention Feedback For YOU to grow Allow members to offer suggestions and input Gain new ideas “Leadership… means listening from time to time.” - George W. Bush
Confidence MINDSET TAKE RISKS Put your mind to your goals. Think about your goals that you set during the beginning of your term and reach those goals. Do what you can to succeed! Weigh the pro’s and con’s of every situation! Do not always act on impulse! TAKE RISKS Taking risks can test your leadership ability! Trust yourself enough to make the right decisions when taking risks. Show your passion for Key Club by taking the risks in hopes of making positive changes!
Educate… YOURSELF AND THE MEMBERS YOU SERVE Research your topics The more you know, the more your audience will know Prepared to answer any questions Ask the questions that members don’t know how to ask “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” - John F. Kennedy
YOUR TEAM Do not feel like you are alone! You have tons of people to help you! You have a team for a reason! Ask them for help! They are available to help you reach your goals and you are there to help them as well! Example: For A to happen, W, X, Y, and Z must be completed. It takes a lot to do W alone, so delegate X, Y, and Z to at least two others. Set a deadline for them and send reminders of their tasks. “Delegating work works, providing the one delegating works, too.” - Robert Half
Service GIVE BACK Set an example to the members you serve on how to give back! Keep members involved! Weekly to bi-monthly service events Show them the merit in giving back! Smile while serving Connect with the people you are helping Enjoy service and show just how big of an impact the members are making!
FUNDRAISE Pediatric Trauma Program is a big part of CNH Key Club! Continually raise money to assist the children affected by it! Kiwanis has partnered with UNICEF for The Eliminate Project. It is equally as important to fundraise for! The impact it will make is unbelievable. THE MEMBERS You exist to serve the members! Be an advisor to them! Support them, and give them the chances to grow and develop themselves as individuals and leaders!
Leadership BEE ASSERTIVE: ASSERTIVE APPROACHABLE ENTHUSIASTIC Be stern, but nice. APPROACHABLE Be friendly and easy to approach. ENTHUSIASTIC Share your happiness! “Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.” - Hardy D. Jackson
“Understanding is a two way street.” BEE UNDERSTANDING: PASSIONATE Express your passion. REASONABLE Have reason for your actions. LOGICAL Consider the “excuses.” “Understanding is a two way street.” - Plato
Everyone makes mistakes. BEE HUMAN: RELATABLE Let members relate to you. RELAX Give yourself breaks. DEVELOP / LEARN Everyone makes mistakes.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?