The Water Cycle
The Water Cycle
Key Terms Evaporation: The process where a liquid changes into a gas when the temperature rises. Condensation: The process where a gas (like water vapour) changes into a liquid when the temperature lowers.
Key Terms Precipitation: After a gas, like water vapour, condenses, it may fall back to Earth in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail. Runoff: Water that collects at the Earth’s surface from precipitation. It will form rivers, lakes, and may eventually flow to an ocean.
Infiltration: Water that seeps into the ground and may become part of the water table. Transpiration: Water released into the atmosphere through the leaves of plants.
The Water Cycle in a Nutshell Water, in its different forms (liquid, solid, gas) cycles continuously through the atmosphere. Water evaporates into the atmosphere from the land and sea. Once in the air, water vapour circulates and can condense to form clouds and precipitation, which fall back to Earth Plants and animals use and reuse water and release water vapour into the air.
Water is essential for life on Earth Water is essential for life on Earth. It is recycled through the water or hydrologic cycle.
Recycling The water used today is from millions of years ago – it is recycled.