The Inspired Word
The Inspired Word The Bible has been attacked repeatedly Myth Historically inaccurate Scientifically unreliable Untrustworthy because of translation
The Inspired Word The Bible either is or is not inspired (A Study Course In Christian Evidences) Claim inspiration, 2 Tim. 3:16, 17 Lauded as great, Ps. 119:137-144 Test it, Acts 17:11
The Inspired Word Tests Translation
The Inspired Word Tests Historians apply three tests to documents to determine if they are reliable (Evidence That Demands A Verdict) Bibliographical Internal External
The Inspired Word Tests Bibliographical Over 24,000 New Testament manuscripts 5,300+ Greek 10,000+ Latin 4,000+ Slavic About 25-30 years between latest original & earliest manuscript
The Inspired Word Accuracy More Reliable Copies Less Reliable Original Years
The Inspired Word Accuracy New Testament Thucydides Herodotus Copies Plato Sophocles Aristotle Caesar Tacitus Pliny Homer Years
The Inspired Word Tests Bibliographical Questionable text Iliad: 15,600 lines / 764 questioned = 5.0% NT: 20,000 lines / 40 questioned = 0.5%
The Inspired Word Tests Bibliographical Isaiah 53 Dead Sea Scrolls 166 words 17 letters questioned 10 letters – spelling difference 4 letters are stylistic 3 letters – one word “light” Dead Sea Scrolls 125 BC MSS 900 AD 1,000 years
The Inspired Word Tests Internal test Eyewitness accounts Luke 1:1-3 2 Peter 1:16 1 John 1:3 Acts 2:32 Could have been contradicted by living disciples
The Inspired Word Tests External test Josephus discussed John the baptist By name Herod’s arrest, imprisonment, execution His influence by preaching among Jews
The Inspired Word Tests External test Historical Jesus Cornelius Tacitus Lucian of Samosata Suetonius Plinius Secundus, Pliny the Younger
The Inspired Word Tests External test Historical Jesus Encyclopedia Britannica (late 1970s) 20,000 words for Christ More than for Alexander, Caesar… Independent historical accounts prove His existence
The Inspired Word Translation Does not affect inspiration Millions of books translated into 1000s of languages Proverbs 25:1 – copies Ezra read a copy, Ezra 7:14; Neh. 8:1, 2
The Inspired Word Translation Does not affect inspiration Jesus preached from the LXX, Mk. 7:6, 7 John quoted the LXX, Jn. 19:25 Apollos argued from the LXX, Acts 18:28 Stephen quoted the LXX, Acts 7:14