Welcome to Inservice Achieving the Vision Tab 3-4C (3) Need: “Nontraditional Chapters” and “Associate Members” flipchart
Special thank you to our sponsors for their Tab 3-4C (3) Special thank you to our sponsors for their support of the 2017 National Agricultural Education and FFA Inservice
Special thanks to our platinum sponsors Tab 3-4C (3) Special thanks to our platinum sponsors
Transforming Alumni for Tomorrow Tab 3-4C (3) Transforming Alumni for Tomorrow Allie Ellis & Joshua Rusk
Tab 3-4C (3)
National FFA Alumni is Growing Tab 3-4C (3) National FFA Alumni is Growing 1,934 Alumni Chapters + 201 from last year Every state now has at least 1 Alumni Chapter 225,891 Alumni Members + 163,187 from last year There are multiple reasons why it is growing, let’s discuss in the next few slides
National FFA Alumni is Transforming: Affiliation Program Tab 3-4C (3) National FFA Alumni is Transforming: Affiliation Program 26 states participating in the 100% affiliation program 2/3 of all active alumni chapters are participating $100 flat national fee + any corresponding state fee Chapters don’t have to pay national fee after they have 25 life members on their roster Affiliation removes barriers People don’t have to pay to volunteer We can communicate with everyone on the roster about all opportunities The amendment failed to have every state be 100% affiliated, could potentially be brought up again. Any thoughts? What have some of you seen as advantages of affiliation?
National FFA Alumni is Transforming: Nontraditional Chapters Tab 3-4C (3) National FFA Alumni is Transforming: Nontraditional Chapters 11 currently charted Available to groups, businesses and corporations to provide their members/employees an opportunity to individually and collectively support agricultural education programs and FFA chapters without being tied directly to a local FFA chapter. Collegiate FFA Chapters now have the opportunity to transition to Alumni chapters 5 official so far Headquarters are where the membership is based but they can have members at their locations across the country. Made a powerpoint for teacher educators and working with AAAE and several university teacher ed programs. How can we work with these groups in our state? (write on post-its and put on nontraditional chapters flipchart)
National FFA Alumni is Transforming: Associate Members Tab 3-4C (3) National FFA Alumni is Transforming: Associate Members 102,611 Graduating FFA members 18-24 year olds Free 5 year membership Automatically adds role if their FFA.org individual profile has updated graduation year and email address If we had gone 100% affiliation, we wouldn’t have had this type because they would all be annual affiliated members, you can still make them that if you are a 100% state Drastically changes our demographics Sending an email to that group in the spring and winter Working with state officer programs to help educate and promote Part of the reason collegiate chapters are transitioning to Alumni Our alumni delegates failed the amendments to add a 3rd PNO council position and to let any council members run for president, should alumni members bring this back up after considering how many young FFA alumni members we are taking in? Have them write ideas to engage/connect with associate members on post-its and post on “Associate Members” flip chart
National FFA Alumni is Transforming: Delegate Process Tab 3-4C (3) National FFA Alumni is Transforming: Delegate Process 275 total delegates 2 delegates per state alumni association in good standing Remaining delegates allocated from the May 15 membership count 51% from state’s percent of national life members 49% from the state’s percent of national active alumni chapters Passed at annual meeting at National FFA Convention & Expo; not every state has delegates; thoughts on getting more people there/expanding who attends?
National FFA Alumni is Transforming: National FFA Convention & Expo Tab 3-4C (3) National FFA Alumni is Transforming: National FFA Convention & Expo Volunteer Opportunities Booth Workshops Alumni Central Annual Meeting Reception and American Degree Celebration
National FFA Alumni is Transforming: Development Conferences Tab 3-4C (3) National FFA Alumni is Transforming: Development Conferences Postponing ADC indefinitely 83 total attendees in 2016 (including council, staff, NOCs) Moving from 6 to 11 RDCs in 2017 174 total attendees in 2016 2 in each region except Region 6 in 2017 FREE! Friday night State leader training and Saturday local level training for interested/new and involved www.ffa.org/gotordc Tried to schedule to have each in a different time of year and to allow us time with our families, let us know if you are interested in hosting in 2018, our first one (Region 1A) is this weekend in Utah and the next is 1B in California in May (registration opens in March); How can you help encourage attendance?
Tab 3-4C (3) Let’s be open-minded as we move forward this week in working with all alumni members as well as the rest of Team Ag Ed: FFA, Foundation, etc. It can be a beautiful thing as we think of ways we can help support students and teachers