Carbohydrates, Lipids, & proteins Jacqueline Velasquez
Examples of organic compounds: Organic molecules contain carbon but these are some exception… Amino acids: H H O N C C H H H glucose ribose
Organic compounds There are 3 fatty acids used with glycerol to make a…. triglyceride
hydrolysis breaks bonds and water is splitting in the process Condensation: Hydrolysis: hydrolysis breaks bonds and water is splitting in the process Catabolic reactions break down molecules Water is being released and bonds are being created. Anabolic reactions build molecules
Amino acids: Amino acids: H H O N C C H H H Amine group Carboxyl group Monomers of proteins two amino acids are dipeptides more than two is a polypeptide
Condensation of amino acids: The peptide bond made involves nitrogen, done after condensation Amino acids: H H O N C C H OH H Amino acids: H H O N C C H OH H condensation Water released Amino acids: H H O N C C H H Amino acids: H H O N C C H H + H2O Peptide bond
Hydrolysis of dipeptides: Amino acids: H H O N C C H H Amino acids: H H O N C C H H + H2O Peptide bond H H O N C C H O H H H H O N C C H OH H dipeptide Water splits
Condensation Glucose + glucose = maltose + water Glycosidic bond
Monosaccharide, polysaccharides, disaccharides ANIMALS: Monosaccharide are easily absorbed, and releases fast for respiration (monomer for polysacchrides) Ex: glucose, glactose Polysaccharides are insoluble molecules, sugar converted to insulin for storage in liver Ex: lactose, maltose Disaccharides are digested fast into monosaccharide. Ex: glycogen PLANTS: Monosaccharide are easily absorbed, and releases fast for respiration Ex: fructose Polysaccharides are insoluble, & it makes cell wall Ex: cellulose Disaccharide soluble, unreactive,can be transported around plant through phloem Ex: sucrose
Condensation & hydrolysis: Monomer Dimer Polymer 𝐻 2 𝑂 𝐻 2 𝑂 𝐻 2 𝑂 𝐻 2 𝑂 Left arrows: hydrolysis Right arrows: condensation Proteins: amino acid dipeptide polypeptide Carbohydrates: Monosaccharide disaccharide polysaccharide
Triglycerides in condensation
comparisons: Fats: Proteins: Carbohydrates: used for storage Energy released slowly and oxygen needed Carbohydrates: Quickly digested Stored as fat Fast energy release Less oxygen Proteins: Digested quickly Used in muscle
Lipids Functions: Energy storage- oils in plants & fish, fats in animals Protection- the fat acts as shock absorber Buoyancy- less dense than water helps in floating Solvent- dissolves in some vitamin Thermal insulation- fat insulated to keep heat from being released plasma membrane- cholesterol, phospholipid bilayer