Equipment and Software By: Mike Kroschinski
Goal My goal is to show students proper technique and form. To have students that are as active as possible. The more active students are the healthier they will be.
Why? If students have proper technique then they become more proficient at certain skills. If students become proficient in certain skills they have more fun. The more fun students have the more they will be active in class. The more they are active in class the more they will be active at home.
Projector Students will be able to see larger images for greater understanding Students can watch videos selected by teacher Cost only $296.99 Available on Amazon Amazon Projector
Projector Screen Allows students to see image or video more clearly then if projected onto a wall. Retractable so wont be in the way. $71.99 for full screen 84”W by 64”H School Outfitters
Ipad Teacher can plug in to projector Allows teacher to show videos and images on screen. Allows students to use different applications to enhance learning. Can be used to take photos and videos $400.00 at Staples
Slow Pro Can take video in regular speed then replay it in slow motion. Allows students to see what they are doing right and wrong mechanically Free! In App Store
Screen Chalk App for Ipad Allows teacher to draw on videos Allows teacher to highlight something that student has done right or wrong. Available in App Store $2.99
Conclusion Students can become more proficient When they become more proficient in certain skills they become more active. With these simple and inexpensive pieces of technology we can make students more active. Each of these items will help students be more active, healthier, and have more fun!
The End All this only costs $771.97