What do you know about your partner countries? Quiz "Our partner countries" What do you know about your partner countries?
Which one is the capital city of Turkey? Bursa Ankara İstanbul Antalya
Which one is the capital city of Greece? Berlin Athena İstanbul Lisbon
Which one is the capital city of Sweden? Stockholm Warsaw Prague Brussels
Which one is the capital city of Finland? Rome Helsinki Paris Athena
Which one is the capital city of Portugal? Lisbon Athenian Helsinki Rome
Which one is the capital city of Poland? Lisbon Warsaw Helsinki Rome
Which one is the capital city of Cyprus? Paris Athenian Lefkoşa Rome
8. Turkey, which connets the two continents? a) Asia-Africa b) Asia-Europa c) Africa-Avustralia d) Asia-America
9. What is the feast of Atatürk as a gift to all the world's children? a) April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day b) October 29 Republic Day c) May 19 Atatürk Commemoration and Youth and Sports Day d) August 30 Victory Feast
11.Poland, Sweden, Filand, Portugal, Greece are which continent? Asia Europa Africa America
13. Turkey is which continent ? America Africa Asia Europa
16. What is the currency in Turkey? Euro Dollar Turkish lira Pound
17. What is the currency in Finland, Poland, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, Sweden? Euro Dollar Pound Japanese yen