Name of my project My Name Silver Spring International Middle School International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme 8th Grade Community Project
My topic: Why am I interested in this topic? (e.g. Food, Shoes, Video Games, Cell Phones, Math, Science, World Studies, Social Issues, Sports, Travel) Why am I interested in this topic? What/Who is the community that I am serving?
Guiding Question (what I am trying to answer about my topic) Criteria A (i): define a highly challenging goal to address a need within a community, based on personal interests What is the community need? Does your goal meet the need?
My Global Context: (Choose one of these and explain how it relates to your project.) My project falls under the global context of _________ because ___________
Research- Prior Knowledge Criteria A (ii): identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to the project What did you already know about this topic? What did you already know about the community need?
Research- New Understandings Criteria A (iii):. demonstrate research skills What research did you do to find information on your topic? (Use ABCA to make sure the resources are written by Authors who know about the topic, are not Biased, are Current, and are Accurate.) What did I find out? (Be sure to include a copy of your bibliography to hand in your presentation. You can print the bibliography from Noodletools.)
Criterion A- Extracts Include evidence of the strands in Criterion A. You should be able to pull this information from your process journal.
Planning Process/Taking Action Criteria B (i): develop a proposal for action to serve the need in the community Criteria C (i):demonstrate service as action as a result of the project What exactly did you plan on doing/making for this project? Include your proposal for action.
Planning Process How did you plan your project? Criteria B (ii): plan and record the development process of the project Criteria C (ii): demonstrate thinking skills How did you plan your project? What steps did you take to get there? Did your project change over time? (Use this slide to show the process you took for your project. You can include photographs, drawings, reflection journals/process updates, etc.)
Planning Process Criteria B (ii): demonstrate self-management skills What Approaches to Learning self management skills did you use to keep yourself on track? Explain in detail. (e.g. organization, time management)
Taking Action Criteria B (ii): demonstrate communication and social skills How well did you communicate with your peers and the other people involved in this project? Did you use a variety of communication techniques? Did your group work well together? Why or why not?
Taking Action Document evidence of the action taken! (Use this slide to show the process you took for your project. You can include photographs, drawings, reflection journals/process updates, etc.)
Reflection Criteria D (i): evaluate the quality of the service as action against the proposal How does the quality of your project match your original proposal? Did you meet the stated goal/guiding question?
Reflection Criteria D (i): reflect on how completing the project has extended their knowledge and understanding of service learning Describe and analyze HOW completing this project has made you more knowledgeable about this topic. How does service learning help the community?
Reflection Criteria D (i): reflect on their development of ATL skills What Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills did you use in the completion of this project? (Consider what you learned/discovered about research, critical thinking, communication, and self- management)