Norwegian Association for Adult Learning Hungary June 2016 Senior Advisor William Evans / Norwegian Association for Adult Learning
Why and how do civil society organisations work in Norway
CSO “the term civil society refer to the wide array of non-governmental and not-for-profit organizations that have a presence in public life, expressing the interests and values of their members or others, based on ethical, cultural, political, scientific, religious or philanthropic considerations. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) therefore refer to a wide of array of organizations: community groups, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), labor unions, indigenous groups, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, and foundations” World bank definition
A long time ago! 1767, first NGO, Vitenskapsselskapet, University of Bergen 1809, The First Norwegian NGO that still exists.
These days! About 115 000 CSO/NGOs An CSO/NGO ? Democratic Membership based
These days II 10 million members in NGOs (CSOs) 80 % of the Norwegians are members of one or more organization(s). 48 % of the grown-up Norwegian population participates in voluntary work annually. The total contribution of Norwegian volunteers is equivalent to 115 000 full time employees. 36 % of the funding of the voluntary sector comes from central and local governments, 7 % comes from private donors, and 57 % of the funding comes from membership fees and sales.
What is NAAL? The Norwegian Association for Adult Learning (NAAL) is the national NGO umbrella for adult learning in Norway. Our members are 16 governmentally approved adult learning associations with a member network of +470 more or less nationwide adult learning NGOs. In 2015 our members activity included training of appox. 500 000 participants and approx. 40 000 courses.
BUT ! But Vision and Action can change the world…! Action without vision is passing time…! Vision without action is day dreaming…! But Vision and Action can change the world…!
Where NAAL has a central administration in Oslo, and has autonomous regional offices in all 19 counties of Norway.
Courses 2015
The multitude The adult learning associations represent a multitude of interests and ideologies. The largest associations offer a broad range of themes on several levels, with or without formal exams and parallel programs in the public school system. Other associations emphasize more voluntary adult learning activities, organizational training of members, learning for the development of the local community and sustainable development. Others emphasize political training, culture and creative, aesthetical and practical topics.
What do we do as an umbrella? Advocate the common interests of the associations and their participants towards the Government, the Parliament and the Ministry of Education and other official bodies, Promote non-formal adult learning in the society in general. Counsel and guide members (and others) concerning all matters important to them i.e. Laws and regulations Advice within the field of Adult learning theory and practice Counsel within Educational planning Project applications, coordination and participation Advocacy, lobbying and networking
Adult Education and Learning in Norway Legislation and development The first legislation for adult education in Norway came in 1976. There are today several laws and regulations for different parts of adult education; such as adult community learning liberal/popular adult education adult education parallel to the ordinary school system adult education at the work place/educational leave recognition of skills/prior learning Adult education for immigrants and refugees, Norwegian as a second language etc.
Future tasks for CSOs /NGOs Questions for the future… Adults needs and motivation Basic Skills and Basic Skills Program Drop outs Prisoners Handicapped Elderly Refugees Democracy and active citizenship Critical consumerism and environment Challenges enough…
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