Latin Prefixes (Thursday, 8/25) Today’s task (left side) Copy the underlined word, give a possible definition for it, and explain what in the sentence helped you come up with that definition. 1. Before surgery, I have to abstain from all food and drink. 2. Once I’m postoperative, however, they will bring me food. 3. Hopefully, the pain will recede into the background and I won’t feel it. Latin Prefixes (Thursday, 8/25) 5 minutes
Latin Prefixes (Thursday, 8/25) Today’s notes (right side, Cornell style) Some common Latin prefixes: ab- (away, from)- abnormal: not ordinary post- (after)- postpone: put off until another time re- (back)- recoil: spring back re- (again)- redo: to do again Latin Prefixes (Thursday, 8/25)
Latin Prefixes (Thursday, 8/25) Today’s Identify/Correct (right side) Using the definitions of the prefixes, look back at the definitions you wrote in the task. Highlight any you feel are correct. Change any you feel are incorrect. Latin Prefixes (Thursday, 8/25) 4 minutes
Finish YESTERDAY’S notes In the left column, write a question for each new piece of information or section. Match the question with where the information starts in the right column. Write a summary: answer the EQ; explain something(s) that will stick in your memory; ask a question about the information. Latin Prefixes (Thursday, 8/25) 3 minutes