Syria Early Recovery Mainstreaming Workshop Gaziantep


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Presentation transcript:

Syria Early Recovery Mainstreaming Workshop Gaziantep 7-8 February 2017

Introduction Objectives and deliverables Methodology and facilitation methods Participants’ expectations

Early Recovery (ER) in the Global Humanitarian System

80% of humanitarian needs come from protracted crisis Last 25 years – huge shift in crisis frequency, scale, magnitude 2017 Humanitarian assistance in 33 countries – ask: USD 22 billion +65 million displaced 80% of humanitarian needs come from protracted crisis Average length of displacement due to war: 17 years In 2016, donors gave US$ 11.4 billion towards appeals. Funding gap of US$ 10.7 bio. Top recipients: Mosul, South Sudan, Iraq, Burundi, Yemen, Syria…. Funding requirements grown from 6 bio in 2006 to 22 billion in 2017 People targeted grown from 30 million in 2006 to nearly 100 million in 2016 On average on inter-agency appeals we get half of what we ask for. The best funded appeals in 2016: Iraq, South Sudan, Yemen, Syria HLP on HF This requires a strong determination at the highest level of global political leadership to prevent and resolve conflicts and to increase investment in disaster risk reduction (DRR), especially in the most vulnerable communities and countries Put an end to the shorttermism of annual—and retrospective—fundraising by bridging the humanitarian-development divide with programming based on joint analysis.

Reforms and Commitments to improve the System Humanitarian Reform in 2005 Leadership: Hum. Coordinators Cluster Approach Predictable hum. Financing Stronger partnerships Transformative Agenda in 2011 Empowered Hum-Leadership System-wide activation of response (L3) Humanitarian Programme Cycle Accountability to the Affected Population World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 New Way of Working Hum-Dev nexus Joint analysis Collective outcomes Multi-year timeframes Joined up planning New partnerships (private sector, banks) Localised approaches Flexible financing Humanitarian reform: - more adequate, timely, flexible and effective humanitarian financing, including through the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF); - a strengthened Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) system, providing more strategic leadership and coordination at the inter-sectoral and sectoral levels; and - implementation of the ‘cluster approach’ to build up capacities in gap areas – as part of wider efforts to ensure adequate response capacity, predictable and enhanced leadership, accountability, predictability and strong partnerships in all sectors. Transformative Agenda protocols: Following the agreement of the Transformative Agenda (TA) in December 2011, the Principals agreed the ‘TA Protocols’, which set the parameters for improved collective action in humanitarian emergencies. The Protocols include the following documents: 1. Concept Paper on ‘Empowered Leadership’- revised March 2014 2. Humanitarian System-Wide Emergency Activation: definition and procedures 3. Responding to Level 3 Emergencies: What ‘Empowered Leadership’ looks like in practice 4. Reference Module for Cluster Coordination at the Country Level (revised July 2015) 5. Humanitarian Programme Cycle Reference Module Version 2.0 (July 2015) 6. Accountability to Affected Populations Operational Framework – taking account, giving account, being held to account 7. Inter-Agency Rapid Response Mechanism (IARRM) Concept Note (December 2013) 8. Common Framework for Preparedness (October 2013) 9. Emergency Response Preparedness (draft for Field Testing, July 2015) 10. Multi-Sector Initial Rapid Assessment Guidance (Revision July 2015) WHS: Transcending humanitarian-development divides Changing People’s Lives: From Delivering Aid to Ending Need

ER- A decision by the IASC 2005 – IASC established the Cluster Working Group for Early Recovery –UNDP as lead IASC re-affirmed in 2008 and 2009 all cluster lead agencies, to integrate early recovery in humanitarian response After cluster review confirmed again in 2013 – ER is part of the whole humanitarian response 2017 – GCER evaluation

EARLY RECOVERY = ALL CLUSTERS x x EARLY RECOVERY = ALL CLUSTERS Cluster approach aims to make the international humanitarian community better organized and more accountable and professional CLICK 1x to show UNDP CLICK 1x to show ER CLICK 1x to show exclusions

ER Definition

What, why, when, how ER? An approach that addresses recovery needs that arise during the humanitarian phase …to stabilise the situation … to avoid further deterioration of national capacity … to avoid prolonging the humanitarian phase … to bridge the humanitarian-development divide

What is Resilience? A transformative process of strengthening the capacity of individuals, communities, institutions and countries To maintain an acceptable level of functioning and without compromising long-term prospects for sustainable development, peace and security, human rights and well-being for all. to prevent, resist, absorb, adapt, respond and recover positively, efficiently, and effectively when faced with a wide range of risks

ER- Foundation for Resilience

ER-Guiding Principles Support local and national capacities Promote participatory practices Do no harm Make decisions based on risk reduction and conflict prevention measures Make decisions based on thorough understanding of the context Promote gender equality Integrate crosscutting issues (HIV/ AIDS, Human Rights, Environment) Prevent discrimination (sex/age) Make decisions based on analysis of need and capacity Build on ongoing development initiatives Strengthen accountability to the affected populations

ER in the HPC This slide flags that ER is integrated in ALL steps pf the Humanitarian programme Cycle. The next slide details the steps of the HPC, and the following one the role of CO in the first weeks of the crisis and HPC. Assessments and FA/HRP come after a detailed review of the cluster approach as clusters are created during the early stage of the HPC

Early Recovery Advisor Strategic advice to the RC/HC on ER and bridging the hum-dev gap Supports ER across the system/inter-sector assessment, strategies, appeals, advocacy

ER Cluster Coordination Only if there is a need – a GAP – should an ER cluster be established A cluster can be co-led Name the cluster according to its focus The ER Cluster Coordinator works and coordinates with PARTNERS Assessment, strategy, WWW, IM, advocacy, AAP UNDP is a member of the cluster

Why coordination? Cluster/Sector functions.... Strengthen service delivery: Coordination platform, prioritisation & planning Inform decision-making: Needs assessments and gap analysis Monitor & evaluate performance of sector/cluster Develop cluster/sector strategies & standards Strengthen preparedness & contingency planning Support advocacy At global level: Clear accountable lead agencies with global cluster lead functions in support of field level response coordination Stockpiles, surge capacity, and resources available for timely and effective response Operational guidance, policies, toolkits and handbooks to guide field practitioners At country level: Coherent coordination systems with accountable lead agencies responsible for coordination of sectoral response Less gaps/duplications & maximised resources/capacities Strengthened partnerships and linkages to government 1. To support service delivery by: ▪▪ Providing a platform that ensures service delivery is driven by the Humanitarian Response Plan and strategic priorities. ▪▪ Developing mechanisms to eliminate duplication of service delivery. 2. To inform the HC/HCT’s strategic decision-making by: ▪▪ Preparing needs assessments and analysis of gaps (across and within clusters, using information management tools as needed) to inform the setting of priorities. ▪▪ Identifying and finding solutions for (emerging) gaps, obstacles, duplication and cross-cutting issues. ▪▪ Formulating priorities on the basis of analysis. 3. To plan and implement cluster strategies by: ▪▪ Developing sectoral plans, objectives and indicators that directly support realization of the overall response’s strategic objectives. ▪▪ Applying and adhering to common standards and guidelines. ▪▪ Clarifying funding requirements, helping to set priorities, and agreeing cluster contributions to the HC’s overall humanitarian funding proposals. 4. To monitor and evaluate performance by: ▪▪ Monitoring and reporting on activities and needs. ▪▪ Measuring progress against the cluster strategy and agreed results. ▪▪ Recommending corrective action where necessary. 5. To build national capacity in preparedness and contingency planning (see Section 4). 6. To support robust advocacy by: ▪▪ Identifying concerns, and contributing key information and messages to HC and HCT messaging and action. ▪▪ Undertaking advocacy

Funding Requested for Early Recovery ER Mainstreaming in 2015 Clusters Funding Requested for Early Recovery % of ER projects funded CCCM 16% 28% Early Recovery 100% 42% Education 48% 29% Food Security 38% Health 34% 44% Multi-cluster 22% Nutrition 33% Protection Shelter 26% 43% WASH

ER Gaziantep Sector/Cluster Strategy

HRP 2017 ER objectives Improve safe access to basic and social essential services and infrastructure for affected people and institutions Restore disrupted livelihoods for strengthened social protection and positive coping mechanisms of affected people and vulnerable groups Promote social cohesion and local participation for more resilient communities 

Exercise 1: Identification of ER principles for Gaziantep operation Nationalize global ER guiding principles in groups You have 30 minutes to complete the exercise and then present the findings of your discussions in plenary. Assign a rapporteur Review results in plenary Agree on a set of principles

Exercise 2: Identify joint areas of work in the cluster/sector In groups and based on the guiding principles you identified, come up with joint areas of work in the cluster/sector You have 1 hour to complete the exercise and then present the results in plenary Assign a rapporteur 1 hour to review in plenary and agree on joint work across the cluster/sector

Exercise 3: Clarify interface with other clusters/sectors Identify interface with other sectors Identify a plan for engagement with related roadmap. You have 1 hour to complete the exercise in groups and fill the matrix presented in the following slide. 30 minutes to present in plenary.

Exercise 3: Clarify interface with other clusters/sectors Identify interface with other sectors Identify a plan for engagement with related roadmap. You have 1 hour to complete the exercise in groups and fill the matrix presented in the following slide. 30 minutes to present in plenary.

Steps to monitor together Steps to avoid overlaps/duplications Matrix for exercise 3 Cluster/Sector ER Interface Steps to monitor together Steps to avoid overlaps/duplications Education   Food Security Health Shelter WASH

DAY 2-

Recall day-1

Exercise 4: Finalization and presentation of inter-sectoral roadmap Each group to explain the interface they have found/identified and finalize own plan Participants finalize inter-sectoral plan in plenary for review and agreement You have 1:45 minutes to complete this exercise

Exercise 5: Refocusing ER work under HRP ER Strategic Objectives (SO) Group up according areas of interest in line with SO. Each group to fill in the matrix by proposing areas of work that could feature under each SO, possible extra SO and a name for the cluster. Assign a rapporteur to present in plenary for each SO.

Exercise 5: Refocusing ER work under HRP ER SOs Gaziantep Early Recovery Cluster   What is it missing? Existing ER Strategic Objectives Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 1. Improve safe access to basic and social essential services and infrastructure for affected people and institutions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. Restore disrupted livelihoods for strengthened social protection and positive coping mechanisms of affected people and vulnerable groups 3. Promote social cohesion and local participation for more resilient communities 4. Proposed Strategic Objective, if any missing. Suggested name of the cluster

ER Strategic Plan

Comprehensive reconstruction program Institutional development Are these 3 objectives all ER should do or is there more? What next, what more? Comprehensive reconstruction program Institutional development Citizen and civil society participation Public affairs management Capacity development  

Planning for Reconstruction Technical and developmental: Peacebuilding and social cohesion: Peace dividend approach:

Preparing for Reconstruction Navigating sanctions: Enabling financial transfers, including remittances and diaspora contributions: Building construction capacity among affected communities: Spreading conflict prevention and resolution skills: Preparing local organizations to receive international reconstruction support: Building capacity among international organizations and NGOs: Devise strategies for communicating with affected communities: Financing Reconstruction
