The EU & Legislation
The European Parliament The Commission Initiates legislation Recommends Bills The European Parliament The Commission Initiates legislation liaise Initiates legislation Draft Bill The Council of the European Union (Ministers) Implemented by Supports Committee of Permanent Representatives The Commission
The Commission The Civil Service of the EU (unelected) Headed by the College of Commissioners (28): appointed by member states, including President: Jean Claude Junker (Belgium), Term 5 years, renewable; UK Commissioner: Lord Hill (Financial Services) Initiates legislation Advises the European Parliament on legislation Implements legislation Upholds the EU constitution and laws Manages the EU budget Comprises 33 Directorates General (departments), employing 33,000 administrators (cf 400,000 in the UK civil service)
The EU Parliament Legislates (eg cleaner beaches and roaming charges on mobile phones) 751 directly elected MEPs (73 for UK) Can amend/pass/veto Bills (part of the ordinary legislative procedure with the Council of the EU) Reports on proposals for Bills to the Commission Scrutinises the Commission (Select Committees do this) Ratifies treaties Ratifies EU enlargement Can censure (remove) the College of Commissioners as a whole Adopts the EU budget (together with the Council of the European Union) President: Martin Schultz; term 2.5 years, Germany.
The Council of the European Union (or Council of Ministers) Made up of relevant ministers from the 28 member states Meets in ‘specialist formations’ Helps to draft legislation Can amend/pass/veto legislation (part of the ordinary legislative procedure with the EU Parliament) ‘Virtual’ second chamber Liaises with the EU Parliament; supported by COREPER Coordinates EU policy Concludes international agreements Adopts the EU budget (together with the EU parliament)
The Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) Supports the Council of Ministers A permanent secretariat Liaises with the European Parliament
The European Council Brings together the heads of state of the member countries (Cameron, Merkel, Hollande, etc) President Donald Tusk (Poland); Term: 2.5 years (renewable once) Decides on the EU's overall direction and political priorities Deals with complex or sensitive issues that cannot be resolved at lower levels of intergovernmental cooperation Determines EU foreign and security policy Nominates and appoints Commissioners
The European Court of Justice Interprets EU law Can be used by individuals to act against EU institutions if rights infringed Can annul EU Acts which infringe rights Can fine for infringement of EU law