Learning Disabilities By Sarah Ahmad
Table of Contents Dyslexia Dysgraphia Dyscalculia Thank you
Dyslexia What is this learning disability? Tips for Parents Tips for Educators Tips for Students Resources
What is this learning disability? Dyslexia is a learning disability that changes the way the brain deals with written material. It can be genetic. Reading, writing and spelling can be challenging for people with this disability. This disability could cause people to dislike reading and might have a low reading level. It is important to note that Dyslexia is not a disease and if caught can be treated with the right type of tools.
Tips for Parents Remember that this is a treatable learning disability. Read to your child as often as you can As your child learns to speak, have your child begin read to you. Be open to the idea of having a school/teacher perform an evaluation if you suspect that your children struggles with reading or if anyone in your family is dyslexic. Try to be patient and encouraging, not scolding and humiliating.
Tips for Educators Be sure to be encouraging when doing a reading, writing or spelling assignment. Encourage students to use a line guide when reading. Have pictures as well as vocabulary words posted around the room. Write and provide auditory instructions when giving an assignment. Break the assignment up into parts and give extra time.
Tips for Students Break apart assignments and keep track of them on a calendar. Take small breaks while you are doing a reading assignment. Try chewing gum to help you to focus on your work. Positive Attitude, Think that you can do it even if it takes you awhile to complete. Eat breakfast and get plenty of sleep, it will help you recall information.
Resources Technology Resources Internet Resources Reading/Note taking pens Grammar Check-online software that helps to show grammar mistakes and offers corrections Text to Speech software on PC, Macs and various tablets WordQ- a program that helps writers write assignments Internet Resources https://dyslexiaida.org/fact-sheets/ http://dyslexiahelp.umich.edu/tools/software-assistive- technology http://dyslexia.yale.edu/DYS_Student2Student.html
Dysgraphia What is this learning disability? Tips for Parents Tips for Educators Tips for Students Resources
What is this learning disability? Dysgraphia is a learning disability that effects people’s ability to write. Dysgraphia can occur by itself or together with dyslexia. People who have dysgraphia might have trouble with just writing, just spelling or writing with spelling, with or without an issue reading. People with this learning disability usually has a hard time writing and difficulty with fine motor skills.
Tips for Parents Have your child practice lettering using modeling clay. Once your child is able to legibly write 26 letters have your child practice writing these letters and imagining the letters in their mind’s eye. Have your child build up strength and muscle stability. Encourage your child to tell the story first verbally. Practice a pencil grip with your child.
Tips for Educators Allow students to explain the assignment orally. Allow the student to use a word processor for the assignment. Encourage students to use proper grip and posture when writing. Be positive and patient when students are writing. Give plenty of time and break up assignments into parts for students.
Tips for Students Take breaks after you are done writing for your assignment. Ask your teacher for typed notes to limit the amount you have to copy. Use a word processor when you can Exercise your body because writing does take muscle use. Plan out your assignments
Resources Technology Resources Internet Resources Online dictionary/Word Processors WritePad- an app that helps students practice their handwriting SoundNote-an app that allows students to record and type notes at the same time. Internet Resources https://academictherapycenter.com/2014/05/apps-to-help- students-with-dysgraphia-and-writing-difficulties/ http://www.ldonline.org/article/5890 https://www.superduperinc.com/handouts/pdf/147_Dysgraphia.p df https://www.understood.org/en/learning-attention-issues/child- learning-disabilities/dysgraphia/8-expert-tips-on-helping-your-child- with-dysgraphia?view=slideview
Dyscalculia What is this learning disability? Tips for Parents Tips for Educators Tips for Students Resources
What is this learning disability? Dyscalculia is a learning disability that is cause by a brain condition that affects a learner’s ability to understand and make sense of numbers. This disability is called sometime a math learning disability, a mathematics disorder or math dyslexia. It is a lifelong condition and people who have this disability usually don’t have number sense or can be number blind. They struggle with the logic of numbers and math.
Tips for Parents Be patient and encouraging when dealing with math, or numbers Use concrete materials Play game and do activities with your child Remind your child to break up the math problem into smaller parts. If you think that your child is struggle with math more than most then seek out an evaluation, Dyscalculia is not well know.
Tips for Educators If your student is struggle with number sense or has trouble memorizing math facts, or following procedures or can do these tasks but slowly you might want to recommend an evaluation. Have students look for patterns when doing math problems. Have student practice and explain to student why something is the way it is Encourage students to look at visuals when doing problems Give students extra time and breaks during assignments
Tips for Students Take breaks and time when working on math problems. Ask questions about what you don’t understand Use visuals and materials to help you figure out problems Practice, Practice, Practice Remember it might take you extra time, but you will get it and you can do it!
Resources Technology Resources Internet Resources Math Apps on tablets/phones that allow students to practice math problems Calculator/Math Manipulatives Kit Math software such as SHAPE MATH and MathXL Internet Resources http://www.dyscalculia.org/math-tools https://www.understood.org/en/learning-attention-issues/child-learning- disabilities/dyscalculia/understanding-dyscalculia http://www.oecd.org/edu/ceri/dyscalculiaprimerandresourceguide.htm https://www.khanacademy.org/ http://www.dyslexicadvantage.org/tips-for-supporting-a-student-with- dyscalculia-steve-chinn/
Thank you This slideshow was design to inform others about the following learning disabilities: Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia. I received my information from the internet resources listed under each resource tab for that disability. I also use the following website as a general knowledge base: http://www.teach- nology.com/teachers/special_ed/disabilities/ Thank you for viewing my slideshow. For questions or comments please email me at ahmad.21@wright.edu.