Tips to Improve Your Score TOEFL Writing Task Tips to Improve Your Score
The Writing task consists of two different styles of writing: The Integrated writing task The Independent writing task
The Integrated Writing Task Tests your ability to synthesize two sources: One Lecture One Academic Reading Your essay must focus on the lecture. Even though the focus should be on the lecture, you must incorporate the reading as well. *** Synthesize- v.- to combine two or more things
Parts of the Integrated Essay The Introduction: This need only be about one or two sentences. The body: Usually three paragraphs of about three to four sentences The Conclusion: This need only be one sentence. It is very similar to the Introduction.
The introduction must have the following bits of information: 1. The topic that was discussed in both the lecture and the reading. 2. What each source said about the topic. 3. The connection between the lecture and the reading.
Introduction Examples (Copy these down and USE them!) In this set of materials, the reading and the lecture both discuss (put topic here). While the reading states that (state the reading's position on the topic), the lecture opposes that position in three ways. Both the reading and lecture talk about (state topic). The author argues that (state reading's position); however, the lecturer counters the reading with the following three points. Discussing the topic of (state topic), the reading suggests that (reading's position). However, the lecturer disagrees with the reading for the following reasons. The main idea for the introduction is that you state the topic, the positions of the reading and lecture, and the connection between the two. **Special tip: The connection is usually opposition! (95% of the time!)
The Body Paragraphs You must focus on the lecture! You must mention the reading! There will always be 3 reasons that match up between the reading and lecture. These are usually ordered in the same way in the reading and lecture. For example, the first reason you read about in the reading is also the first reason you hear argued against in the lecture. Write from the perspective of the lecture. You need only mention the reading briefly. For example: To begin, although the author stated that vivisection is necessary to develop drugs that benefit humans, the lecturer disagrees by stating that there are many alternatives to using animals including computer simulations and previous lab studies that can be just as effective. Reading Lecture Notice how much is written about the lecture!
The Body Paragraphs Use transitional phrases that show the connection between the lecture and reading. E.g.: Even though the reading…..the lecture While the reading….the lecturer Although the author….the speaker Use transitional phrases that show the next reason or topic To begin, First Secondly, next, another reason Thirdly, finally, the final reason In sum, In conclusion, In the end