Pixel vertex detector for the FIRST experiment


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Presentation transcript:

Pixel vertex detector for the FIRST experiment ( GSI, December 2009 ) Eleuterio Spiriti ( INFN RomaTre ) Our (RomeTre group) experience on MAPS MimoromaX chips: brief description The M26 sensor for FIRST Brief description of the sensor ( J.Baudot talk at the IEEE-NSS09 conference) Were we are DAQ implementation Proximity Board Conclusions Eleuterio Spiriti GSI, December 2009

architettura di sparsificazione on pixel Chip mimoroma2 architettura di sparsificazione on pixel (tecnologia STMicroelectronics 130nm) Chip mimoroma1 Test di una architettura MAPS (tecnologia TSMC 250nm) Disegno CAD micro elettronico Disegno CAD micro elettronico Eleuterio Spiriti GSI, December 2009

MIMOSA (mimoroma1) chip (designed at INFN RomaTre) Double alfa event large pitch (34 m) 32 x 32 pixel Fe55 X X ray source Alfa event small pitch (17 m) Alfa event small pitch (17 m) 64 x 64 pixel Eleuterio Spiriti GSI, December 2009

VME test setup at Rome Tre VME crate housing 2 V1495 module to readout 8 M26 sensors VME crate housing 2 V1495 module to readout 8 M26 sensors VME test setup at Rome Tre Eleuterio Spiriti GSI, December 2009

M26 produces only digital outputs 4 signals per sensor: MKD V1495 output for M26 simulated timing M26 produces only digital outputs 4 signals per sensor: MKD CLKD ( 80 MHz ) DO0 DO1 Eleuterio Spiriti GSI, December 2009 5

V1495 DAQ board FPGA code and simulation timing Eleuterio Spiriti GSI, December 2009

M26 Proximity Board for FIRST: first idea Eleuterio Spiriti GSI, December 2009

Conclusions M26 sensor performance should be OK for FIRST Test on ions for M26 essential for two tracks separation. V1495 DAQ board firmware development on going Affordable data rate to be verified. A lot of work to be done in only about 18 months! Eleuterio Spiriti GSI, December 2009