Induction today, Onboarding tomorrow Creating a memorable journey for all GTPA meeting 14 September 2017
OUTLINE Quality of Onboarding at CERN - 4 Cs Onboarding Programme Goals & Audience Concept Transition Period Work Packages overview Focus on WP5 : local induction in each dept
I. QUALITY OF ONBOARDING - ANALYSIS Levels Of Onboarding“4Cs Model” Today CERN status MPEs Connection Culture Clarification Compliance MPAs • Compliance = teaching employees basic legal and policy-related rules and regulations. • Clarification = ensuring that employees understand their new jobs and all related expectations. • Culture = includes providing employees with a sense of organizational norms— both formal and informal. • Connection = refers to the vital interpersonal relationships and information networks that new employees must establish.
II. ONBOARDING PROGRAMMME WHY ? Creation of the Onboarding Programme A holistic onboarding programme Aiming at ‟4 Cs model”reference!
A. GOALS & AUDIENCE WHAT ? TO WHOM ? Quality, timely & harmoniously branded information needed to be fully operational on arrival The means to feel and become fully integrated in the CERN community TO WHOM ? A programme dedicated to all irrespective of contract status
THE 4 BENEFITS OF A BETTER ONBOARDING PROCESS REDUCE STRESS that come along with starting a new job -provide a clear vison of the CERN’s values, goals and vision IMPROVED JOB PERFORMANCE - Promote a clear understanting of job expectation/duties -reduce ambiguity around policies and responsabilities INCREASED EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION -accompany new employees -create a foundation/strong starting point in the journey of the new employees The improvement of the 3 first factors contribute to a BETTER RETENTION -higher rate of retention
B. CONCEPT HOW ? 3 PHASES: CONCEPT 3 1 2 a. b. Prior to arrival (from contract signature to Day 1) DAY 1 Monthly Induction Between Day1 & Quarterly Induction programme 3rd month : Quarterly Induction session New Reviewed
B. CONCEPT HOW ? 3 PHASES: CONTENT & FORMAT 3 1 2 a. b. Streamlined comm./formalities: Access to Newcomers website DAY 1 monthly DAY 1 short hly Welcome Streamlined comm. / docs Information & various e-learnings,etc Quarterly Induction session (MPEs, MPAs & users) Local induction in each dept New Reviewed Customized
C. TRANSITION PERIOD - started 1 June 2017 How to get there ? CONTINUED DELIVERY of existing induction programme AND INTEGRATION of MPAs (monthly induction) AND INTEGRATION of Doctoral students & Users (quarterly induction) Step 1 In parallel REVIEW AND SELECTION OF MATERIAL available per MP categories at different periods after contract signature: From contract signature to day 1 On day 1 During first 3 months design & development of appropriate info support IMPLEMENTATION OF ONBOARDING WEBSITE for information to be accessed by newcomers as of contract signature Step 2
DAOs’collaboration is vital ! III. WORK PACKAGES OVERVIEW WP Subject Leads WP1 Onboarding Website R. Banica A. Cook WP2 Admin forms M. Jammes V. Naeppels WP3 Content and info support HR-LD (TBD) WP4 Monthly + Quaterly E. Mosselmans WP5 Dept Induction V. Naepels D. Carmona WP6 Others Social Service G. Riso A. Favre DAOs’collaboration is vital !
WP 1 Onboarding Website for newcomers Lead : Roxana Banica / Anna Cook Stakeholders : FAP, HR, UO Deliverables : Specifications : tree structure organizing/clustering info/docs for each category of newcomers (what is CERN wide & specific) Accessible to newcomers as of contract signature onwards
Online Administrative Formalities WP 2 Online Administrative Formalities Lead : Martine Jammes / Virginie Naepels Stakeholders : HR-TA + HR-FL + HR-CB + UO (for COAS & VISC) Deliverables : Clear list of info/docs per category (that could be placed on the website for newcomers) Recommendations about appropriate support related to info / docs for newcomers
Brochures, slides, elearnings, etc WP 3 Brochures, slides, elearnings, etc Lead : HR-LD Stakeholders : HR-FL, HR-CB, Safety, IT, SA, … Deliverables : Identify CERN-wide topics of core importance for all categories of personnel Prepare «products» (presentations, infographics, elearning, etc.) that will be placed on newcomers website
Monthly & Quarterly induction WP 4 Monthly & Quarterly induction Lead : Erwin Mosselmans (and L&D induction team) Stakeholders : HR-TA, DAOs, … UO Deliverables : Deliver currently monthly & quarterly induction programme (as described in transition period) Recommend best format for the future realistic and effective monthly ‟welcome event” on day 1 Recommend enhanced format for the quarterly induction day
Focus for DAOs and line managers. Your collaboration is vital ! WP 5 Departmental Induction (Local induction in each department) Lead : Virginie Naepels / Donna Carmona Stakeholders : all DAOs (dept. administrative processes) + DHs Deliverables : Presentation about the onboarding project at GTPA by Project Lead Gathering of existing dept practice for newcomers induction Recommendation of a harmonized dept «formula» for newcomers induction that would complement the «HR monthly welcome» Focus for DAOs and line managers. Your collaboration is vital !
WP 6 Other actions Lead : Social Service / Giuliana Riso / Aurélie Choy Deliverables: Determine actions/initiatives that could apply to different categories of personnel : Visit CERN with family Welcome drink for spouses Buddy system (fellows + Tech. Students)
Meetings summary 24.04.17: HRMB (EM) 04.05.17 : WG 15.06.17 : WG (PGV) 21.06.17 : HR Projects meeting 26.06.17 : HRMB 04.07.17 : WG 05.07.17 : Meeting with EP 06.07.17 : Enlarged WG 14.09.17 : GTPA
FUTURE ONBOARDING PROGRAMME Categories MPE MPA STAF FELL DOCT SUMM PJAS APPR USER TECH* COAS ADMI* GPRO From contract signature to Da 1 (entry-on-duty) Onboarding website for newcomers X Phase prior to contract signature to be added for users ** COAS & VISC managed by UO On-line admin formalities Bite-size e-learning / presentations, etc. Contact with future supervisor Day 1 Monthly Welcome - core info for different categories - fast lane if change of status - VIP (Directors) After Day 1 (through 3 months) Dept Induction Induction with HRA Bite-size e-learning, presentations, etc. Quarterly Induction Visit CERN with family Welcome drink spouse Buddy (TBD) Formal Informal FUTURE ONBOARDING PROGRAMME ZOOM on Proposed Work Packages Project timeline yet to be defined with WP leads To reach 4 Cs model 7/17/2018 HR Department
Onboarding (induction) HR Public Session 13-20 Sept 2017 Onboarding (induction) Arrivals data includes September Information prior to arrival Information on arrival Information after arrival Right information to right person in the right format at the right time