How do you know if you are a Kid at Hope? Kids at Hope How do you know if you are a Kid at Hope?
You go to a Kids at Hope school. Adults at your school believe that: ALL children are Capable of Success, No Exceptions!!!
You say the Kids at Hope Pledge. I am a Kid at Hope. I am talented, smart, and capable of success. I will respect myself, others, learning, and property. I have dreams for the future and I will climb to reach those goals and dreams everyday. ALL Children are Capable of Success, NO EXCEPTIONS! Depending on the grade level discuss the terms and the meaning of the pledge as well as the power of affirmations. Remind kids they pledge allegiance to the their country/flag, this is a pledge/commitment they are making to themselves.
The adults say the Treasure Hunters Pledge As an adult and a Treasure Hunter, I am committed to searching for the talents, skills, and intelligences that exist in all children and youth. I believe that all children are capable of success, No EXCEPTIONS!
You travel to your future.
Kids at Hope have adults who help them plan for their futures. Those adults are called ACES: Ace of Hearts-Anchor/Parent Ace of Clubs-Other Caring Adults Ace of Spades-Adults with High Expectations Ace of Diamonds-Adults who offer kids Opportunities for Success
Ace of Hearts-Anchor/Parent These adults love you, care for you, and are responsible for you and your safety all day, everyday. They may be parents, grandparents, foster parents or others.
Ace of Clubs-Other Caring Adults These adults know you well and help you to do your very best. They support and encourage you to keep going and help you stay afloat!
Ace of Spades-Adults with High Expectations These adults believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself. They show you how to do things that may be hard for you and help you to stay on the right path for your life.
Ace of Diamonds-Opportunities for Success These adults offer you ways to grow and learn. These adults may help you learn a new game, sport, subject, hobby, or take you to museums or other places to see new things.
Kids at Hope Adults are ACES. But they are also called Treasure Hunters because they search to find all the talents, skills, and intelligence that exist in children.
You are a Kid at Hope! NO EXCEPTIONS!