WWII: On the Home Front Ch 25 Section 1
War at Home Economic Recovery Increased federal spending Incomes grew Personal savings grew Farmers prosper
War Created a Labor Shortage 15 million men & women in armed forces Brought new workers into work force Percentage of women working: 35%
Fear of Inflation Leads to Govt Action Anti-Inflation Act (1942): govt could freeze prices, wages, rents Office of Price Administration: rationed scarce consumer goods
Financing the War 1941-1945: $321 billion Half $ raised by selling bonds Rest by income taxes
War Production War Production Board (1942): not very effective – became Office of War Mobilization Mass production gave US advantage
African Americans & the War FDR created Fair Employment Practices Commission: to investigate discrimination in war industries CORE (Congress of Racial Equality): sit-ins Better treatment in military
Native Americans & the War 25,000 served in military Code-talkers Many young left reservation – jobs, military service
Mexican-Americans & the War Bracero program (1942): Mexicans could work in US for a limited time Zoot Suit Riots (June 1943)
Japanese Americans & the War 127,000 – most in CA Feb 1942: FDR authorized internment (War Relocation Authority)
Camps were harsh; some were allowed to work, go to college 1944: Korematsu v. US: relocation is constitutional 1988: Reparations to survivors
Executive 9066 14
Chinese Americans & the War Status improved during war 1943: Congress repealed Chinese Exclusion Act
Social Changes Women in work force increased Juvenile crime increased Rosie the Riveter WACs & WAVEs Juvenile crime increased Marriage, birth rates increased