„ MES and China – from an environmental viewpoint“ Lutz Ribbe CCMI debate, Brussels april 5, 2016
end of 2015 52 different anti-dumping measures for imports from China, 1,35% of all imports (value) Solar-panels: nearly 50% Iron, steel and ceramics
end of 2015 Mainly effected jobs in Italie, Germany, Spain, France, Portugal and Poland (79% of the 250.000 directly effected jobs) … … indirect effect (just 1 of 6 jobs in the PV sector is linked to the production of panels) The boom of PV in Europe happens because of cheap panels
problems overcapacity (steel sector) what is „overcapacity“? (we do produce more cars in Germany than we can sell on our market) Baosteel Shanghai > all eastern european steel producer together unfair trade practises what is fair and what in unfair?
concentration on energy subsidies Direct subsidies Tax reduction Indirect subsidies
Subsidies Rio +20: Stopp environmental harmful subsidies Internalisation of external costs (f.e.: ETS, see also EESC opinion NAT 620)
Internationale Währungsfonds 5 300 000 000 000 $/ year 14 500 000 000 $/ day 604 000 000 $/ hour 100 Mrd $ climate fund = the money spend each and every week on energy subsidies
Energiesubventionen in der EU 330.000.000.000 $/ year $/ day 37.000.000 $/ hour
subsidies much too high in China but too high in Europe too How to deal with that? See NAT 620 “Market based instruments”
What going on in China? ETS System: discussion in Paris (COP 21) Reduction in use of coal: -7% past 2 years Development of „green energy“
China World leader in renewable energy sources … … Europe wants to be No. 1 worldwide (Juncker) Energy storage/ E-mobility: China and USA Carbon leakage versus low-carbon leakage