Contents of the test The Structure Questions (1-15) The Written Expression Questions (16-40)
GENERAL STRATEGIES Be familiar with the directions. Begin with questions 1 through 15. Continue with questions 16 through 40. If you have time, return the questions 1 through 15. Guess to complete the section before time is up
Example for Structure Question Pepsin ______ an enzyme that is used in digestion. (A) that (B) is (C) of (D) being
The Structure Questions Sentences with one clause. Sentences with Multiple Clauses More sentences with Multiple Clauses Sentences with Reduced Clauses Sentences with Inverted Subjects and Verbs
STRATEGIES FOR THE STRUCTURE QUESTIONS First study the sentence. Then study each answer based on how well it completes the sentence. Do not try to eliminate incorrect answers by looking only at the answers. Never leave any answers blank. Do not spend too much time on the Structure questions.
Sentence with one clause Example _________ was ringing continuously for hours. (A) Loudly (B) In the morning (C) The phone (D) The bells
To Mike _____ was a big surprise. (A) really (B) the party (C) funny (D) when
The film ____ appearing at the local theater is my favorite. (A) now (B) is (C) it (D) was
Sentences with Multiple Clauses The ear is a flexible organ, __ simply was not designed to withstand the noise of modern living. (A) but it. (B) it (C) but (D) its
Sentences with Reduced Clauses The film ____ appearing at the local theater is my favorite. (A) now (B) is (C) it (D) was
Sentences with Inverted Subjects and Verbs On the second level of the parking lot ______. is empty are empty some empty stalls are are some empty stalls
The Written Expression Questions Problems with Subject/Verb Agreement Problems with Parallel Structure Problems with Comparatives and Superlatives Problems with the Form of the Verb Problems with the Use of the Verb Problems with Passive Verbs
The Written Expression Questions Problems with Nouns Problems with Pronouns Problems with Adjectives and Adverbs More Problems with Adjectives Problems with Articles Problems with Prepositions Problems with Usage
STRATEGIES FOR THE WRITTEN EXPRESSION QUESTIONS First look at the underlined word or groups of words. If you have been unable to find the error by looking only at the four underlined expressions, then read the complete sentence. Never leave any answers blank.
Problems with Subject/Verb Agreement The largest of all the herd animals are the musk ox. A B C D Nothing living on the earth are capable of outrunning a cheetah. A B C D
Problems with Parallel Structure The skin protects the human body A from infectious, injury, and harmful B C sunlight. D
Problems with Comparatives and Superlatives The coyote is somewhat smaller in size that of a timber wolf A B C D
Problems with the Form of the Verb The popular board games chess, A checkers, and backgammon have all B C exist for many centuries. D
Problems with Passive Verbs Particular issues that concern teenagers were covering A B C D in this program
Problems with Nouns Great amounts of cells of many kinds A B C form the bodies of such creatures as D insects and mammals.
Problems with Pronouns When a bighorn sheep ewe is about to A give birth, her leaves the band for a B C secluded ledge. D
Problems with Adjectives and Adverbs Unlike soaps, detergents are A synthetics that do not form easy B C D biodegradable waste products.
More Problems with Adjectives Although the earth appears A spherically, it is actually pear-shaped. B C D
Problems with Articles On a trip down to the bottom of the A B Grand Canyon, the equipment will in C all probability be carried by a horses. D
Problems with Prepositions The occurrence of edema indicates A B the presence on a serious illness. C D
Problems with Usage Alike all other mammals, A B C dolphins have lungs. D