What is Colposcopy and Why do I Need to Go to Hospital? Section 1 What is Colposcopy and Why do I Need to Go to Hospital?
Why do I need to go to the hospital? You had your smear test done to check the health of your cervix (neck of your womb) The result of your smear test shows that you need to have another test to look at your cervix more closely You have to go to hospital for the test
Why do I need to go to the hospital? Your smear test result may have shown some abnormal cells They are at risk of becoming cancer in the future Cancer is a very serious illness
Why do I need to go to hospital? You will need to go to the hospital to have your cervix looked at more closely The department you will go to in the hospital is called the Colposcopy clinic
When will I go to the hospital? You will be sent a letter telling you the date and time of your appointment If you cannot go for that appointment you can ring the hospital and change it for another time or day It is very important that you go for the test
Who can come with me? You can take a friend, relative, nurse or support worker with you
What is Colposcopy A colposcopy is an examination by a Doctor or Nurse They look at your cervix more closely to check if the cells are healthy or not
How will the Doctor look at my cervix? The Doctor or Nurse use an instrument called a colposcope It looks like a pair of binoculars on a stand It looks up your vagina to your cervix It does not go inside your vagina
I Feel Nervous! You may feel nervous about going to the hospital Talk to people you trust Visit the colposcopy department before the day of your appointment You can meet the doctors and nurses Take someone with you