This presentation is by DJ Strawberries By Joe Waine, Max Butler, Thomas Steer, Zoe Heaton, Harmony Moore and Amelia Pugh.
These were our initial five ideas To create a strawberry farm and a wooden shop to sell strawberries and strawberry jam to get money for Solar Schools and kafuro primary school Our second idea was a bird watching area with a table with a book on about birds and have binoculars. Our third idea was to have a science lab by the pond and we would put little waterproof cameras to see all the wildlife in the pond. Our fourth idea was a peaceful water fountain which people could relax and enjoy the water fountain. Our fifth idea was picnic tables on the field where people could have there lunch But we thought that the two bottom ideas should be joined together.
Strengths and weaknesses of the strawberry farm and strawberry farm shop Money It will teach children how to grow. You could make strawberry jam and sell strawberries. Slugs and snails could eat them. People could stamp on them. People could eat them when they are not ripe.
This is are strengths and weaknesses for the bird watching hut It would allow children to learn about birds. Children could see the birds They will have a place to live. There aren’t many birds Children could scary them away Some children won’t be interested
Strengths and weaknesses of the science lab We will learn about what creatures in the pond It won’t take up as much space as the strawberry farm We would put little cameras underwater It might ruin the view It would take up space that people like to play in Its near the bees which will disturb them
Strengths and weaknesses for the picnic tables and water fountain. The water might get dirty Children might be silly by the water fountain. It could get people wet while eating People will have more room to eat their lunch It would look nice and tables would be made from recycled plastic They would be able to sit and chat
Our survey results
So we decided to go with……. Water fountain and picnic tables
This is why we chose the water fountain and picnic tables Why: Because it got the most votes and because it would not take as much space as the science lab or strawberry farm. Sustainability: It will last a long time but still be in use because we will be able to eat our lunch on it in all season. Impact: it will have an impact on children and adults giving them a nice place to eat there lunch. Innovation: Our idea is very creative because we mixed two ideas together and nobody else ever thought of it. Collaboration and student voice: on our survey most people voted for water fountain and picnic tables.and we will have to work as a team.
Where on the field The water fountain and picnic table would be going on the field here. When you go up on the field go to the right on the other side of the bush in the corner.
Pictures of our work for picnic tables water fountain
Costs Water fountain: £769.99 Recycled bench's x8:£2932.64 Two different Flower seeds x20:£16.00 total cost: £3718.63 Money left over: £1281.37
Any Questions? Thank you for watching