Suppl. Figure 5. Non-sphere vs. sphere cell proliferation in vitro Suppl. Figure 5. Non-sphere vs. sphere cell proliferation in vitro. A, B: Growth of non-sphere (A) or sphere (B) cells was monitored over 6 d using trypan blue cell dye exclusion to quantify viable cells in 3 separate experiments. C: Data from A and B were used to derive doubling times (*P<0.05, paired student t-test). D, E: Ki-67 was detected by immunofluorescence microscopy (D) and quantified from 3 staining experiments. Scale bars for fluorescent images in D , 50 µm. Quantification in E was done using DAPI counterstaining (*P<0.05, **P<0.01, paired t-test with equal variance). F, G. Differential expression of the cell division marker set derived from gene ontology between non-sphere and sphere cells on mRNA and protein level ( F G