The three panels, listed in the Medici Inventory of 1492 and now in the National Gallery, London, Musée du Louvre, Paris, and Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence,


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Presentation transcript:

The three panels, listed in the Medici Inventory of 1492 and now in the National Gallery, London, Musée du Louvre, Paris, and Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, commemorate the celebrated Battle of San Romano in which the Florentines, under the leadership of Niccolò da Tolentino, defeated the Sienese led by Bernardino della Ciarda. They were intended as decoration for the large hall on the ground floor of the Medici Palace, called Lorenzo's room. According to the reconstruction, the London and the Florence paintings were placed on the end wall, with the Paris one on the righ thand wall, at right angles to the Florence panel. The date of the panels is disputed. Paolo Uccello Niccolò da Tolentino Leads the Florentine Troops 1450s Tempera on wood, 182 x 320 cm National Gallery, London

Niccolò da Tolentino Leads the Florentine Troops 1450s Rigidity of the perspective—the scene seems unreal; the soldiers represented seem like toys… Detail Paolo Uccello Niccolò da Tolentino Leads the Florentine Troops 1450s

Horses and riders are positioned so that they appear in side view or in perspective foreshortening….they seem to plunge at the viewer or to recede into the canvas creating depth… Paolo Uccello Bernardino della Ciarda Thrown Off His Horse 1450s Tempera on wood, 182 x 220 cm Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Limbourg Brothers (Paul, Herman, Jean) Tres Riches Heures 1413-1416

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Jan van Eyck The Ghent Altarpiece: Adam and Eve 1425-29 oil on wood, Cathedral of St Bavo, Ghent

Jan van Eyck Man in a Red Turban 1433

Jan van Eyck Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife, Giovanna Cenami 1434

Rogier van der Weyden Deposition 1442

Roger van der Weyden Portrait of a Lady 1460

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Mary of Burgundy Painter Hours of Mary of Burgundy 1482

Martin Schongauer Temptation of Saint Anthony 1480-1490 see page 649



Gentile da Fabriano Adoration of the Magi Santa Trinita, Florence 1423

Hugo van der Goes Portinari Altarpiece 1476

Lorenzo Ghiberti Sacrifice of Isaac competition panel for the east doors of the Baptistery of Florence Cathedral 1401-1402

Filippo Brunelleschi Sacrifice of Isaac competition panel for the east doors of the Baptistery of Florence Cathedral 1401-1402

Lorenzo Ghiberti St John the Baptist 1412-16 bronze Church of Orsanmichele

Nanni di Banco Four Crowned Martyrs 1410-1413 Church of Orsanmichele

Nanni di Banco Four Crowned Martyrs 1410-1413 Church of Orsanmichele

Church of Orsanmichele

Donatello St Mark c. 1411 marble Orsanmichele, Florence