Planets from Mercury to Neptune this picture was found at www Planets from Mercury to Neptune this picture was found at
Mercury terrestrial this information was found at www. aerospaceguide Mercury terrestrial this information was found at Mercury is the fastest moving planet because it is the closest to the Sun. The Greeks gave mercury 2 names Apollo when it is a morning star and Hermes when it is an evening star. Nothing could live on Mercury because it was it was so close to the Sun and that it had extreme temperatures and no oxygen.
Venus terrestrial this picture was found at Venus is often called Earths twin or sister because of how close in size they are. Venus rotates slower than its rotation meaning its days are longer that its year. Venus has the higher mountains than we do on Earth, Maat Mons is more than 5 miles high!
Earth terrestrial this photo was found @ The Earths weight is 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons! The Earth is the only planet hospitably enough to live on. The Earth is not a sphere but its more of an elliptical shape.
Mars terrestrial this photo was also found at Mars has the tallest volcano in the solar system called Olympus Mons it is 15 miles high. If you weighed 100 pounds on Earth you would weigh only 38 pounds on Mars talk about instant weight loss! The reason why Mars is red is because it has rust, in its soil there is iron and because of the air on Mars it has turned the iron to rust.
Jupiter gas this picture was found at If you weighed 100 pounds on Earth you would weigh 264 pounds on Jupiter good lord. Jupiter rotates so fast it takes only 10 hours long. The great red spot on Jupiter is really a huge storm you could fit 100 Earths into it.
Saturn gas this picture was found at If you weighed only 100 pounds on Earth you would weigh only 116 on Saturn not much. It takes 29.46 Earth years to finish its orbit around Earth. Saturn has the lowest density of all the planets it could float on water, if there was an ocean big enough to hold it.
Uranus gas this picture was found at Because of Uranus's weird spin its nights can sometimes last 40 years! Even though Neptune is farther from the sun the Uranus, Uranus is the coldest planet. Uranus is named after the Greek god of the sky there is no Roman names for this planet though.
Neptune gas this picture was found at Neptune is so far away it took voyager 2 12 years to reach it. Neptune is the most stormiest planet of all the planets it winds is 1,240 MPH that 3 times stronger then Earths hurricane. Neptune's deep blue color is because of all of the methane it has I wonder would it explode if fire or something like that touched it?