SEND reforms: Local Offer 7th July 2013
Context – SEND Reforms 2014 Education, Health and Care Plan Joint commissioning of services More streamlined assessment process Statutory protection for 16 – 25 (prep. for adulthood) Academies have same duties as maintained schools Personal Budgets Personal budgets – v – Individual budgets Local Offer …
Statements and funding SEN Category Support Level Statement As specified School Action + 18 hours School Action 9 hours SEN Category Support Level EHCP As specified SEN £10,000 The level of funding for a Statement, is decided, and supplied by the LA SEN department. The level of funding for a ECHP will be decided, and supplied by the LA SEN department and funded from High Needs Block (HNB) Services, retained by the LA to carry out their statutory functions, will be funded from the High Needs Block.
The LOCAL OFFER SE7 Guidance Outline of what you will cover
Local Offer Health Universal Targeted Education Specialist Social Care
East Sussex - Local Offer Logo Universal Targeted Community Specialist
Draft Regulation on the Local Offer
Draft Regulation - Local Offer What’s it really about?
SEND Pathfinder Programme Report March 2013 “All pathfinders are actively developing their local offer, with a focus on fully involving parents and young people in drawing up the offer and ensuring it meets their needs. We expect pathfinders to begin publishing draft local offers in the spring, and progressively to develop them over the course of 2013 until they describe the full range of services for children and young people with SEN and how to access them.”
Local Offer – General Leaflet
Leaflet for Schools/Settings
Parent Information Contacts back on the Road-to help communicate and develop LO replace
SE7 Local Offer – Framework and Guidance
SE7 Local Offer – Framework and Guidance
SE7 Local Offer – Framework and Guidance
SE7 Local Offer – Framework and Guidance ‘Principles for our Local Offer Framework’ Co produced (ESPaCC) Empowering Accessible Holistic Starting with what’s widely available Transparent Sustainable Factual
Template for Services
Constructing the Local Offer - Schools Settings, schools and colleges should decide which of the two following sets of questions to use. The first is from the parent carer’s point of view and the second is from the young person’s point of view. In the main, schools and colleges catering for older children and young people may wish to use the second set. These questions have been developed in co-production with parent carers and young people and ask the sorts of questions to which they want to know the answers.
Template for Schools – ‘younger children’ Co-production!
Template for Schools – ‘younger children’
Template for Schools – ‘Older C&YP’ Co-production!
Template for Schools – ‘Older C&YP’
Assessment sheets so schools can ask stakeholders, including families, what they think of the information ! The sheet will have all the questions on and help gather peoples views. Explain virtual panel idea>. Which stakeholders could be involved?
School Offer: Willingdon A sample offer secondary. Awaiting primary.