Jean Piaget Cognitive Development Objective: Learn Jean Piaget’s classic theory of cognitive development.
Rubric: 10 pts for 10 Notes-Sentences 5 pts for 2-3 Sentence Summary 5 pts for Drawing/Symbol 20 pts per Heading X 8 = 160pts
Fold a piece of 8 x 11 paper into 4 squares Directions: Fold a piece of 8 x 11 paper into 4 squares Write the heading Take 10 notes Write a 2-3 sentence summary Draw a symbol/picture Ask if you do not understand
Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) 5pts Drawing/Symbols 1. 10. Name Piaget’s Theory p. 388 Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) 5pts 10 notes-sentences 10pts Front 2-3 sentence summary 5pts Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) Assimilation / Accommodation p.388 10 notes-sentences 2-3 sentence summary
Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) Drawing/Symbols Stage 1: Sensorimotor p. 389 1. 10. Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) 10 notes-sentences Back 2-3 sentence summary Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) Stage 2: Preoperational p. 389 10 notes-sentences 2-3 sentence summary
Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) Drawing/Symbols Stage 3: Concrete Operational p. 390 1. 10. Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) 10 notes-sentences Front 2-3 sentence summary Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) Stage 4: Formal Operations p. 390 10 notes-sentences 2-3 sentence summary
Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) Drawing/Symbols Impact of Piaget’s Theory p. 391 1. 10. Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) 10 notes-sentences Back 2-3 sentence summary Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) Criticisms of Piaget’s Theory p. 391 10 notes-sentences 2-3 sentence summary