Audit of Sport and Recreation Facilities – South West Inner City Bruce Mc Devitt Sports Development Officer Parks Administration
Overview The audit highlights the current provision of public sport and recreational facilities within South West Inner City Aims to allow for a strategic and co-ordinated plan in relation to the improvement of sporting infrastructure Maximising the benefit of limited resources (Holistic Approach)
South West Inner City
Background Liberties Area Liberties Greening Strategy Sporting Liberties, Clubs, Schools, DCC Staff Sense of Place Competing Objectives Quantity, Quality, Complexity Schools - Club Policy Proposal Sports Capital, Sinking Funds, Capital Finances
Overview of Facilities St. Catherine's Sports Centre, Marrowbone Lane & Donore Community Centre, 7 mini outdoor football pitches / MUGAs - Basin Street Complex, Poole Street, Oliver Bond House, Michael Mallin House, Marrowbone Lane, St. Teresa's Gardens, Dolphin House There is also a MUGA (astro) attached to the F2 Centre in Herberton, Rialto. There are also 11 schools in the area (9 primary, 2 secondary) all with varying sized halls and ancillary facilities
Key Points (1) That the Liberties Greening Strategy (2015) should be implemented as much as possible to improve the general green open space and public realm network within the South West Inner City. This should include the enhancement of ‘active living’ and ‘active recreation’ opportunities (e.g. such as walking).
Key Points (2) As a basis for future planning, an acceptance by Dublin City Council that the infrastructure focused on ‘active’ sport (e.g. such as outdoor team sports) within the South West Inner City needs to be enhanced in the area (both in the short term and in the medium - long term). All potential opportunities should be fully explored in the area.
Francis Street CBS
Key Points (3) Small sided games areas such as the Multi-Use Games Areas (MUGA’s) should be looked at in relation to modification from current use
Oliver Bond MUGA
Hardwicke All-Weather
Key Points (4) It was acknowledged by all current user groups active within the South West Inner City that shared facilities (e.g. all weather pitches that meet a number of sports codes needs) will provide the best opportunity to enhance the ‘active’ sports infrastructure in a densely congested area such as the South West Inner City’s. Dublin City Council as policy should therefore look to provide such facilities.
Key Points (5) Dublin City Council will aim to actively look at all opportunities to improve the ‘active’ sporting infrastructure within the area including educational facilitates (please see Dublin City Council School Club Linkage Proposal). This should include Dublin City Councils willingness to provide support / facilitate local sports clubs and schools in relation to the drawing up of appropriate licences for user groups, sports capital applications etc… in order that such facilities can be improved for the local community
St. James CBS (Secondary)
St. James CBS Secondary (Adjacent)
St. James CBS (Possibilities)
Key Points (6) Ancillary facilities outside the canals such as those at Dolphins Barn, Eamonn Ceannt Park, Galtymore Road, Brickfields Park, Clogher Road should also be developed in the context that they also cater for the South West Inner City’s need (though hopefully in time in a secondary context).
Dolphin Rd
Dolphin Rd GAA & Others