As you enter, please answer each question on a separate note card: Finish this sentence: A good assessment… What is your interest in being here? Michael
Give one, get one… Find someone in the room to share your answer to #1 – trade cards Find a new person to share your answer to #2 – trade cards
With your table group… Go around and share responses to question #1 (yours and the cards you received) Share responses to #2
District Assessment Review Committee November 21, 2016
Introductions Go around room and share: Name Location Role Favorite fall activity/tradition
Establishing Norms for Our Work Ellen
Norms Please write down one word that characterizes a productive/effective meeting Whole group share out (chart paper)
Norms We will select one of these words to use as our reminder of our norms Each person vote for one word
Norms Use our word as an acrostic Divide up to generate a word for each letter of our word Whole group share out
Our Charge The Review Committee is charged with making a recommendation to the Superintendent’s Staff regarding which math and literacy classroom assessments the district should require, which should be optional, which of the current assessments might be discontinued, and which assessments might be added to provide data which we currently do not have.
What We are NOT Charged With: Selecting a Specific Test
The Process The members will collect and review staff input and data on all district mandated and optional assessments in terms of the usefulness of the assessment to improve student learning. This will involve conversations within the committee and with colleagues, review of student outcomes and potential redundancy of information. Members will also consider state required assessments and the impact of the overall testing program.
THE BIG 3 QUESTIONS Where are we? Where do we want to be? How will we get there?
Committee Process Where are we? What are our current assessment practices? Where do we want to go? Develop our district assessment framework How will we get there? Plan for next steps
Where are we? What are the current assessment practices in Shoreline? Form groups of 3 by level (elementary and secondary)
Brainstorm In your groups of 3 (by level): Identify a recorder On your chart paper, brainstorm and list as many assessments currently in use in Shoreline as possible
Brainstorm and Categorize At the signal, organize assessments into categories Required State Assessment Currently Required District Assessment Optional District Assessment Widely-Used Classroom Based Assessment Other (not widely-used, etc.)
Where are we? Next time we meet, we will: Establish our decision making protocol Develop a mission statement for district assessments in Shoreline Gather the assessment information generated today organized by category Summarize our current assessment practices Share a categorical assessment vignette
Exit ticket – Please reflect Given our charge and what you know so far, what are questions you have that will help us move forward with our work? What is one thing you hope this committee will accomplish? Please record your thoughts on a notecard and turn it in as you leave. You may include your name if you wish.
Scheduling our Work Together On the chart paper: chart: Put a blue dot on days you prefer to meet. Put a yellow dot on days you can meet. Put a red dot on the days you cannot meet.
Times of meetings On the chart paper: chart: Put your green dot next to your preference for times: 6 meetings from 4:30 – 6:30pm 7 meetings from 4:30 – 6:00pm