CLASSROOM NEWS What’s Happening in Fourth Grade WHAT’S ESSENTIAL? Week of February 15, 2016 (307) 721-4439 PAWS Testing What’s Happening in Fourth Grade Fourth graders will be taking the PAWS reading, math, and science tests in March. We will be testing the week BEFORE spring break and the week AFTER spring break. It is extremely important that your child be at school those days. As we move into testing “season” it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that your child is here every day, with the exception of staying home if they are sick. PLEASE schedule appointments for AFTER school if possible. It is very difficult to make up tests and it takes away from instructional time. If you have any questions, please contact me! Thank you. On the current school calendar, students were scheduled to attend school all day on Friday, April 1, however, Albany County School District recently made a change. All district enrolled students will only be in school in the morning and will be dismissed at 11:20 am so teaching staff can attend an important Staff Development opportunity. Students who normally eat school lunch will be provided a sack lunch that day prior to dismissal. Upcoming Events 2/15 - Half day, dismissal at 11:20 am 3/7 – 3/25 – PAWS testing 3/8 - PTA meeting, 6 pm 3/14 – 3/18 – Spring Break, NO SCHOOL 3/31 - PTA sponsored chili cook-off at Linford 5:00 – 7:00 pm WHAT’S ESSENTIAL? READING MATH WRITING I can develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic. I can accurately identify the main idea and details of a grade level nonfiction text. I can identify or generate equivalent fractions when denominators are limited to 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 100. Linford Mission Statement: We are a supportive community committed to high levels of learning for all students.