Joint Chalk Research Experience With Cooperation Over Time Hroar Hermansen Phillips Petroleum Company
What is JCR? Consortium to Perform Common Research on : Geology of Chalk Rock Properties of Chalk Well Productivity in Chalk Fields Improved Oil Recovery in Chalk Rock Mechanical Properties of Chalk
What Is JCR ? Past and Current Sponsors Agip Amerada Hess BP (Amoco) Conoco Dansk Olie og Naturgas Elf Enterprise Fina Hydro Mærsk Phillips RWE-DEA Statoil Texas Eastern Total Veba Supported by NPD and DEA
Why Was Chalk Research Important? Relatively Unknown Geological Territory Experiences From Other Parts of the World Did Not Apply Real Challenge To Produce Oil From These Fields
Why Was JCR Needed ? Millions of Barrels
Why Was JCR Needed ? Estimated Recovery Factor - 18 - 23%
Challenges No Tradition For Joint Industry Cooperation Loss of Competitive Edge ? Data Confidentiality
JCR History Total Expenditure Through 2000 77 million NOK JCR II JCR I JCR VI ? JCR IV JCR V JCR III 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Total Expenditure Through 2000 77 million NOK
JCR - Technical Merits IOR - Waterflooding Works In Chalk Fields Assisted in Providing Theoretical Foundation
JCR - Technical Merits Improved Reservoir Compaction Understanding 1975 1984 5 Drainholes 3 Drainholes
JCR - Technical Merits
JCR - Cooperative Merits
JCR - Cooperative Merits Forum For Technical Discussions Mechanism For Networking Mechanism For Experience Transfer Share Critical Data and Information
JCR - Cooperative Merits Accomplishments Chalk Expertise Building at Commercial Laboratories, Universities and R&D Institutions Informal Network Building Across Companies Recruitment of New Players in New Plays
JCR - Cooperative Merits Challenges Networks Are People Dependent “It is not a job, it is a hobby” Chalk Network Dependent Upon Key Individuals Get ALL Sponsoring Companies To Contribute
JCR - Future Still Many Technical Challenges To Address Plan To Initiate Next Phase April, 2002