bps science olympiad Team harlan
A is for anatomy Students will identify anatomical structures of the human nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. Included on the test are scientific names of the parts of the brain, a spinal cord cross section, a neuron, the simple spinal reflex, special senses (ear and eye), the cardiovascular system, and the respiratory system.
Bridging the gap Students will be given a mystery bag of materials to build a bridge as long as possible and still support the weight of a tennis ball.
Charged up Students will be tested on their knowledge of electricity and related concepts. The exam will cover circuits, conductors, diodes, voltage, current, resistance, schematic drawings, meter reading, electrical sources and safety.
Crash car eggspert Each team will build a structure on top of a Pine Car Racer. The structure will be designed to hold and protect an egg as the car is rolled down a progressively steeper series of ramps and crashed into an immovable barrier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C5E3MLa5oM
Crime busters Students will evaluate crime scene evidence to determine who committed a crime.
Grasp a graph Students will interpret and organize information using pictographs; pie, bar, and line graphs; and Venn diagrams.
Precision ping pong propulsion Students will design and construct a device capable of launching a ping pong ball at a 3 dimensional target which is placed within a given range.
Reflection relay A team of three students will work cooperatively to design the path a light beam takes as it reflects off of a series of plane mirrors.
Rock hound Students will identify various rocks and mineral specimens and answer questions about characteristics of these specimens.
Simple machines Students will identify, use and answer questions about simple machines and recognize the relationships between work, force and distance as they apply to each simple machine.
Starry starry night This event will test students' knowledge of astronomical facts and concepts relating to the earth, moon, solar system, celestial sphere, stars, and constellations.
Water rockets Team of students will build (prior to competition) and launch a 2 liter plastic bottle for maximum time aloft.
Weather or not This competition will test the students' knowledge of meteorological terms, techniques, and events.
Zowie estimation Students will estimate a variety of substances and compare them between three units.
Important information You must be able to attend the BPS Science Olympiad event on Saturday, April 22, 2017. The event is from 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM. Permission slips are due Wednesday, Dec. 21. Turn slips into “Science Olympiad” basket in Mrs. Leslie’s room. Most students will participate in two events. You must fill out your top 5 choices. You will be able to participate in at least one of your top five events. Encourage your parents to become a coach! We need many parent volunteers! Go Harlan!