Pesticide Recordkeeping


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Presentation transcript:

Pesticide Recordkeeping Stephen J. Toth, Jr. Wayne G. Buhler Department of Entomology Department of Horticultural Science North Carolina State University North Carolina State University Photograph from North Carolina Pesticide Applicator Training Program.

Pesticide Recordkeeping Keeping records of “restricted-use” pesticide applications is required by the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and North Carolina Pesticide Board under the North Carolina Pesticide Law of 1971 The North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDA&CS) has entered into an agreement with the USDA to carry out the provisions of the federal recordkeeping requirements in the state

Pesticide Recordkeeping USDA Requirements Private and commercial applicators must keep records of “restricted-use” pesticide applications Records must be completed within 14 days of application Records must be kept for a period of 2 years Records must be furnished by commercial applicators to customers within 30 days Bill Tarpenning

Pesticide Recordkeeping Requirements of North Carolina Pesticide Law Commercial pesticide applicators and public operators must keep records of restricted-use pesticide applications Records must be kept for a period of 3 years North Carolina Pesticide Applicator Training Program

Pesticide Recordkeeping Requirements of North Carolina Pesticide Law Aerial applicators of pesticides must keep records of all pesticide applications Records must be kept for a period of 3 years Records must be completed within 72 hours after application Bill Tarpenning

Pesticide Recordkeeping Requirements of Worker Protection Standard Information on a pesticide application must be posted in a central location Records must be kept for a period of 30 days after the “restricted-entry interval” expires Records must be completed prior to the application of a pesticide Ken Hammond

Pesticide Recordkeeping Information Required Brand (trade) name EPA registration number Total amount of pesticide applied Date of the application (month/day/year) North Carolina Pesticide Applicator Training Program

Pesticide Recordkeeping Information Required Description/location of the treated area Crop, commodity, stored product or site Size of the area treated (i.e., acres, square yards) Name and certification number of the applicator North Carolina Pesticide Applicator Training Program

Pesticide Recordkeeping Who Has Access to the Records? USDA representative with proper identification State-authorized representative with proper identification (i.e., NCDA&CS pesticide inspector) Attending health care professional when treating a patient exposed to pesticide North Carolina Pesticide Applicator Training Program

Reference North Carolina & Federal Requirements for Pesticide Record Keeping. Brochure. North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. 2 pp.