Idea Paper 4D-Earth Initiative: A Community Geologic Model and New Scientific Initiative for Illuminating the Evolution of the North American Continent A new initiative and a successor to the EarthScope Program Mike Williams, Steve Whitmeyer, Laura Webb, Terry Pavlis, John Hole, Becky Flowers, and others Expand the primarily 3-D geophysical focus that captured a snapshot of present day North America into the 4th dimension of time Illuminate the crustal component that was below the resolution of much of the USArray image Develop a Community Geologic Model to build a 4-dimensional image of the continent Geochronology Active-source seismology Cyberinfrastructure
Idea Paper Starting Point: 4D-Earth Initiative: A Community Geologic Model and New Scientific Initiative for Illuminating the Evolution of the North American Continent Starting Point: Build a set of time slices where each time slice is a digital model in itself, incorporating data sets, hypotheses, simulations, models of structure, stratigraphy, geochronology, geomorph- ology, petrology, lithospheric and crustal dynamics, and high-resolution geophysics and environmental sensing enabled by observational networks such as those built by EarthScope. ~ 1.00 Ga ~ 1.20 Ga ~ 0.60 Ga ~ 0.54 Ga ~ 1.40 Ga ~ 0.70 Ga ~ 1.60 Ga ~ 1.75 Ga ~ 1.50 Ga ~ 1.70 Ga ~ 1.65 Ga ~ 1.80 Ga
Idea Paper Next Steps: Fall, 2016 - 2017 4D-Earth Initiative: A Community Geologic Model and New Scientific Initiative for Illuminating the Evolution of the North American Continent Next Steps: Fall, 2016 - 2017 Workshops to synthesize what we have learned from EarthScope and other projects on the structure and evolution of Laurentia / North America through time. Details to follow… Identify one or two pilot time slices in which to begin to develop the community model and explore the necessary cyberinfrastructure