Quality and Standards An introduction.


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Presentation transcript:

Quality and Standards An introduction

In this session What do we mean by quality and standards How is HE regulated How you can use the processes to influence change

What is quality and standards?

Standards Threshold academic standards are the minimum acceptable level of achievement that a student has to demonstrate to be eligible for an academic award. The Quality Code sets outs Expectations which higher education providers are required to meet to ensure that academic standards are set and maintained.

Quality Academic quality is concerned with how well the learning opportunities made available to students enable them to achieve their award. The Quality Code sets out Expectations which higher education providers are required to meet to ensure that appropriate and effective teaching, support, assessment and learning resources are provided for students; that the learning opportunities provided are monitored; and that the provider considers how to improve them.

How is this reviewed The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) review the standards and quality of HE academic courses offered by a range of providers. They review HE universities and colleges every 6 years and private providers every 4 years based on the following criteria:

Standards HE qualifications align appropriately to the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) and relevant subject and qualification benchmark statements. Provide the aims and learning outcomes for a programme. (programme specification forms) Processes to approve and periodically review the validity and relevance of programmes. Ensure they have External examiners to maintain standards Assessment of students is robust, valid and reliable.

Quality Effective programme approval procedures Admission of students is clear, fair, explicit and consistent Learning and teaching is reviewed in consultation with staff and students Have procedures which monitor and evaluate student progression and the development of personal potential Deliberate steps are made to engage students as partners in quality assurance and enhancement

Quality Assessment gives student the opportunities to effectively demonstrate learning Use external examiners to support the monitoring and development of quality Procedures to regularly monitor and review programme quality Fair, effectively and timely procedures for complaints and appeals They effectively manage their collaborative provision Research degrees have appropriate research environment

Judgements There are 4 judgements of review and 4 grades: Judgements: Standards, Quality, Enhancement and Public Information Grades: Commended meets UK expectations requires improvements to meet UK expectations does not meet UK expectations.

If institutions fail…. Requires improvement and does not meet are considered failing judgements HEFCE are notified and QAA are sent an action plan from the provider detailing how this will be rectified. UKBA are also notified If completed then the judgement will change to ‘meets UK expectations’ If progress is not made then HEFCE evoke unsatisfactory quality proceedings The provider will be reviewed 4 years after a failing judgement

Institutional quality processes

Internal Mechanisms Programme validation Annual monitoring Periodic review External Examiner reports Module evaluation Student services reports (library, careers etc) NSS reports Internal satisfaction surveys Enhancement strategy Learning and teaching strategy Students as partners projects/course representation

UK Quality Code

Chapters Part A: Setting and Maintaining Standards A1: The national level A2: The subject and qualification level A3: The programme level A4: Approval and review A5: Externality A6: Assessment of achievement of learning outcomes

Chapters Part B: Assuring and Enhancing Quality B1: Programme design and approval B2: Admissions  B3: Learning and teaching B4: Enabling student development and achievement  B5: Student engagement B6: Assessment of students and accreditation of prior learning  B7: External examining B8: Programme monitoring and review  B9: Academic appeals and student complaints  B10: Managing higher education provision with others  B11: Research degrees 

Chapters Part C: Public Information Public confidence in higher education relies on public understanding of the achievement represented by higher education qualifications. The Quality Code sets out an Expectation that higher education providers make available valid, reliable useful and accessible information about their provision.

Questions about Quality and standards? Kate Wicklow: Head of Quality and Student Engagement Kate.wicklow@nus.org.uk