High School Transfer 2017 for 2018 admission
How to apply Key dates Where to apply to Useful tips
This process? Which schools? I will be talking about the process for all Community schools, Academies, Free Schools, Foundation Schools and Voluntary Aided / Voluntary Controlled schools. If you are wanting to apply for private schools you need to contact the schools direct. Some do offer bursaries.
New schools All new schools proposed to be open in 2017 will outside the co-ordinated application process. If you want to apply to one you need to contact the school direct. Parents / carers are strongly advised to also apply for established schools as there is no guarantee that a new school will open in time.
Deciding your preferences Attend a meeting at your primary school Attend open evenings at as many schools as possible If visiting during the day or your child has to take an entrance exam you must fill in a leave form. It will be authorised and marked as educated off site. Read the prospectus and admission criteria for each school you are applying for Look at school statistics to see likelihood of places
Online applications – Ealing residents Why online? Convenient and secure Receive electronic acknowledgment of application Can scan and attach supporting documentation Can obtain the outcome during the evening on 1st March 2018 by email
Online applications Parents / Carers can apply online by going to www.eadmissions.org.uk Documentary evidence – scan or post and email / send to Admissions Please keep a note of online application reference number. If you do not receive an email acknowledgement you need to resend your application as it has not been received.
Paper applications Applications can be done on paper. You need to contact Southfield for a copy. These need to be returned to the school with proof of date of birth. The school then sends them in weekly batches to Ealing Council.
Paper applications If you return the form to the school this needs to be done by Friday 20th October 2017 due to the half term break. This is a training day but the school office will still be operational.
Statemented and EHC children Children with statements of special need or EHC plans are not part of this process. Applications do not have to be submitted. Allocation of a school will be based on the decision from the most recent annual review.
Proof of date of birth Date of birth: You are required to provide proof of date of birth of your child. Any admission authority can only ask for this information from a medical card. However you can decide to provide evidence using a passport or birth certificate. You no longer need to provide evidence of your address BUT if your address cannot be verified by Ealing Council from their records they will need to see proof.
Out of borough applications Parents who do not live in Ealing must apply direct to the relevant local authority. Details of the contacts can be found on the web and in the Ealing High School booklet
Out of borough schools Parents / Carers can apply to any London school. Details of non Ealing schools can be found on the relevant local authority’s website or admissions booklet.
Out of borough schools Chiswick High Hounslow Hammersmith Academy Hammersmith and Fulham West London Free School Hammersmith and Fulham Brentford School for Girls Hounslow
Key dates Open evenings take place this month and in October. 31st October 2017 – statutory deadline for receipt of applications 8th December – Upload of late applications 1st March 2018 – Offer letters posted and available online to those who applied online 15th March 2018 – Deadline for return of acceptances
Where to apply to? Applicants will be able to express a preference for 6 maintained secondary schools, academies or free schools within and/or outside the home LA. This process does not include private schools. You are strongly advised to include one non faith school in your choices.
Where to apply to? Preferences need to be ranked in order of priority as only one offer will be made and this will be from the highest ranked school able to make an offer
Where to apply to? Types of schools: Community Foundation Voluntary Aided / Voluntary Controlled Academy Free School
Admission criteria Ealing Community schools criteria: Acton High, Elthorne Park, Dormers Wells 1 Looked after children and children who were previously looked after 2 Siblings who are attending the school at the time of admission 3 Distance from school
Admission criteria All other schools have different admissions / over subscription criteria. Twyford and Cardinal Wiseman have a supplementary form that parents must complete and you must have a priest’s reference form. William Perkin offer 19 Language Scholarship places. Twyford offer 19 specialist music places. Hammersmith Academy have an entrance exam to ensure children with a range of attainment is admitted (Fair banding) Anyone considering any of these would need to complete additional scholarship forms available from the relevant school. Ealing sends all applications for the relevant schools who prioritise according to their over subscription criteria and provide the LA with a list of applicants in priority order Schools do not see the other schools you have on your list.
Information on schools in other authorities can be obtained from the relevant authority All information about the number of places in each Ealing school and number of applications in previous years can be found at the front of the admissions booklet
Late applications Applications received after the closing date will not be dealt with until after the 1st March unless: Illness or death of a close relative prevented an application being done Families have recently moved into Ealing. These have to be completed by 8th December to be classed as on time.
If you are not offered one of your preferred schools Do not decline a place until you have secured a place at another school Accept the offer and ask to be put on the waiting list for the schools that you were unable to be offered a place If you decline the place offered the place will be given to the next person on the waiting list
Waiting Lists You will automatically be placed on the waiting list for any higher preferences that have not been able to be met The waiting list for every school is kept in criteria order, the length of time on the waiting list is not considered Waiting lists are kept for one academic year. If you wish to stay on the list after that you need to write to Admissions in July.
Right of Appeal You have the right of appeal but you need to have a strong case e.g. that the council or the school has made an error, or that it was an unreasonable decision Refer to the prospectus on the statistical page which gives the number of appeals heard and the number upheld or refused
Tips When considering where to apply to: Visit the school at the open evening and try and visit during the school day Remember that if you have more than one child they may not all be right for the same school Listen to others but first hand experience is best Think about what the school can offer and what your child needs Look at the chances of your child getting in Read Ofsted reports but they may be out of date
Tips Contact Ealing Admissions on 0208 825 5522 Ealing Admissions Fair on 5th October at Ealing Town Hall between 4 and 8pm Drop in sessions at Perceval House on 12th, 13th and 14th October. You need to phone Admissions to book a slot Useful checklist at the front of the Admissions booklet Speak to me or the office. Ms Rodriguez is available to help complete forms.
And……. Good Luck!