ELEMENTS D2 & D1 POWER POINT SLIDES Class #22 Friday, October 20, 2017 National Brandied Fruit Day .
THINKING ABOUT EXAMS: (1) FLUENCY Thorough Knowledge of Materials E.g., Mark in Midterm Charting Accuracy/Precision re Materials
CHARTING AS STUDY TOOL FACTOR MANNING MULLETT ALBERS MARKING/ FINDER’S KNOWLEDGE (FK) Parted Crest (Man-Made, Not Permanent; Other Bird has) Treated as Relevant Refers to Menagerie Animals/Organ Grinder Monkey; could mean FK Scarring (Likely permanent; probably not clearly man-made) likely permanent Not Treated as Relevant Holds: can be NL w/o being Nat’l Habitat; could be concern about FK, but not explicit Tattoo w #s in Ears (man-made; permanent; industry custom; i.d.s OO); F knew of industry & that fox likely from fox farm Treats both mark and FK as relevant F can’t take Seal in Millpond; Bear in City; looks like FK Has Blackstone language re mark only matters if AR
THINKING ABOUT EXAMS: (1) FLUENCY Thorough Knowledge of Materials Accuracy/Precision re Materials Common Problems on Past Midterms: Manning & AR; Mullett & Abandonment Common Problem on GWA Arguments #1-2: 2d Prong of Shaw Test (Look at Slides) Recurring Problem of Finder’s Labor in Escape Cases
THINKING ABOUT EXAMS: (2) DOING THE CHALLENGE Focus on the Most Contested Issues Show Me Fights Not Winners Easy Qs: Time./Distance (for F); O’s Labor/Investmt (for O) Hard Qs: E.g., NL Try to Provide Tie-Breaker Arguments Use the Ingredients Provided
THINKING ABOUT EXAMS: (2) DOING THE CHALLENGE Focus on the Most Contested Issues Show Me Fights Not Winners Try to Provide Tie-Breaker Arguments For Contesrted Issues (E.g., NL as fact-dependent) Overall (E.g., Circus v. Fox-Farmjs) Use the Ingredients Provided
THINKING ABOUT EXAMS: (2) DOING THE CHALLENGE Focus on the Most Contested Issues Use the Ingredients Provided (E.g., Turnip) Try to Make Use of All Facts (E.g., FK) Work with Ambiguity/Unstated Facts (E.g., Pursuit) Accuracy/Precision re Problem
THINKING ABOUT EXAMS: (3) REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS NOBODY GETS CLOSE TO EVERYTHING Best Answers Usually = 2-Sided Extended Discussion of 3-4 Issues Tie-Breakers on one or more issues Tie-Breakers Overall Look at Posted Answers (Goals Not Models)
THINKING ABOUT EXAMS: (4) PRESENTATION Organization Multiple Possibilities Do One Thing at a Time Make It Visible Show Me Your Logic Draft
THINKING ABOUT EXAMS: (4) PRESENTATION Organization Show Me Your Logic Lay Out All Steps Provide Reasons (“Because …”) Clear Writing Draft
THINKING ABOUT EXAMS: (4) PRESENTATION Organization Show Me Your Logic Draft: As long as you’re clear … Skip Formal Intros, Conclusions, Transitions Headings (instead of topic sentences) Abbreviations, Bullets, Telegraph English OK
MIDTERM SELF-CRITIQUE (1) PRINT OUT FORM LATER TODAY (2) E-MAIL ME OR ASK BRYAN IF Qs re INSTRUCTIONS (3) FILL OUT BY NEXT FRIDAY @ 9:30 Can submit in classroom between classes Can give to Tina beforehand (or after BUT) (4) PENALTY FOR LATE SUBMISSION Small but increasing over time E-Mail Tina (NOT ME) if emergency & need to submit later
Group Written Assignment #2: McKinley v Group Written Assignment #2: McKinley v. Ford The Case of the Wounded Wolverine
HISTORIC PROBLEM: Ratione Soli & Assignment #2 Ratione Soli: An unowned wild animal that enters privately owned land is considered the property of the landowner while it remains on the parcel. No help to either party in Assignment #2.
HISTORIC PROBLEM: Ratione Soli & Assignment #2 Ratione Soli: An unowned wild animal that enters privately owned land is considered the property of the landowner while it remains on the parcel. No help to either party in Assignment #2. Trap-Owner must get stronger form of property rights while the animal is on his land, or he loses claim as soon as animal crosses property line.
HISTORIC PROBLEM: Ratione Soli & Assignment #2 Ratione Soli: An unowned wild animal that enters privately owned land is considered the property of the landowner while it remains on the parcel. No help to either party in Assignment #2. Killer cannot claim property rights via Ratione Soli if Trap-Owner owns the wolverine under the First Possession cases when the animal crosses property line. Killer must rely on Escape Cases instead.
HISTORIC PROBLEM: Ratione Soli & Assignment #2 Ratione Soli: An unowned wild animal that enters privately owned land is considered the property of the landowner while it remains on the parcel. No help to either party in Assignment #2. Killer, if Trap-Owner doesn’t owns the wolverine when the animal crosses property line, will be undisputed winner b/c she killed unowned animal anyway.
HISTORIC PROBLEM: Ratione Soli & Assignment #2 Ratione Soli: An unowned wild animal that enters privately owned land is considered the property of the landowner while it remains on the parcel. No help to either party in Assignment #2. THINK ABOUT IT & E-MAIL ME IF QUESTIONS
Group Written Assignment #2 QUESTIONS ? Today (Other Than Ratione Soli) In Class Next Mon-Tues, Next Friday By E-Mail Until Sun 10/29 @ 11:59 pm
FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS 1 & 2 Single Fact Pattern for Both Will Involve Type of Property Not Explicitly Covered in Course Later Today: Five Initial Samples 2016 (Gollums): First Possession & Custom 2014 (Planets in Online Game): All Three 2012 (Gesture Associated with Celebrity): Escape & Custom 2007 (Uninhabited Island): First Possession & Custom 1997 (Computer Program): All Three We’ll Do in Parts in Class & DF and I’ll Post Best Answers as Completed
FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS 1 & 2 XQ1: “Assuming Animals Cases Apply, Discuss Who Should Get Property Rights?” Basically Issue-Spotter Like Practice Midterm Same Skills We’ve Been Working On Same Close Knowledge of Cases Required But Need to Be Creative Applying Doctrine E.g., Whale Carcasses & Natural Liberty E.g., Baseballs & Mortal Wounding EXPLAIN YOUR METAPHORS
FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS 1 & 2 XQ1: “Assuming Animals Cases Apply, Discuss Who Should Get Property Rights?” Your Q1 Will Have 3 Half-Hour Parts (Like 2014) 1A = Custom 1B = First POossession 1C = Escape In Q1, Must Take as Given: Can be Property Rights in Commodity in Q Animals Cases Can be Used If You Don’t Like Fit, Discuss in Q2
FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS 1 & 2 XQ2: “Discuss Whether Animals Cases Are Good Tools to Use in New Scenario” Testing Ability to Analyze When/Whether Analogy is Useful & Assess Value of Rules Should Utilize Three Approaches We’ll Work With (EXTENSIVELY) in Unit Two (& Group Assignment #3) E.g., Good rule to say if anchored whale returns to NL (floats free), should go to finder? We’ll Introduce Techniques with Last 3 DQs after Bartlett Next Wed-Thurs
2007 1A: 1st Possession of A 1100-1400: Ts travel to A by kayak 2-3x/yr to catch fish and gather fruit. On south end of A, Ts built round stone huts w roofs of woven palm fronds and clay. On some stones on outside of huts, Ts carved religious symbols. 1400-1855: Ts sleep in huts when they visit A, replacing roofs as needed. 1855, Ps built lighthouse on northern tip of A 1855-1925 P gov’t hires 1-2 people to live and run lighthouse; provides fuel and food supplies; keepers also eat fruit and fish from A. Ts continue to visit A & stay in huts