Preparing for Adulthood Education Health and Care Plans 30th July
Background Support to people has often been shaped by the services available Risk averse practices limited choice Focused on “traditional” support models Disabled people want to have fulfilled lives Movement for change Underpinned by person centred thinking Started in adults social care
What is person centred practice? Puts the person at the centre of the process Recognises strengths and skills Identifies what's important to them Not service led How best to support me Partnership approach
Why it works Delivers real change for people People “own” their plans Helps aspirational planning Holistic approach –asset based Different conversation Network of support Access to employment, social connections and housing
Examples One page profiles –see handouts “Important to me” tool Other resources available-link Supports a different conversation Helps identify good outcomes Can be reviewed to make sure its working well for the person Staff can do their own profile-matching
From aspirations to outcomes A job is an aspiration and an outcome. It is likely that there will need to be medium term and shorter tem outcomes to get there What is the evidence about what works?
Person-centred planning and the legal framework How to ensure that person-centred information leads to the right support for a young person Completing an EHC plan template
Person Centred reviews
Opportunities and Challenges Converting Statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments to EHC plans Skills Systems Capacity
Useful resources Information on pathfinders, employment case studies, supported internship factsheet, bimonthly bulletin Info packs on local offer, EHC plans, personal budgets and joint commissioning LSIS cluster information 14
Preparing for Adulthood – Contact Us Email: Web: FB: Twitter: @PfA_tweets Phone: 0207 843 6348 15