reviewer’s questions Pros: What is the principal contradiction? What is most important influential parameters ? Other minor issues. . . Cons: What is the principal contradiction? Does the pro seize it? What the most important influential parameters ? Does the pro have seized these parameters it ? Where is the biggest flaw in the report?
Reporter’s pros and cons Clear Structure Discuss many compo unds of the potato. Clear expression of th e process. Lack of pictures, videos(of experiment), not figurative Lack of the experiment
Reporter’s theory advantages disadvantages Qualitative analysis Clear expression of the process and reaction(pi ctures and formulas) Explore the compounds of the p otatos deeply. Lack of quantitative analysis Fail to consider enough reaction of compounds. Too much time spent on the theory
reporter’s experiments pros cons Lack of expression like pictures of the experiment. Experiments are insufficient to verify the theory.
Opponent’s Overall rating pros cons Notice the reporter's l ack of experiment. Notice the main point s of the problem. Discuss too less about the question.
That both sides discussed the evaluation process First, the Opponent questioned. . Reporter replied: . We reviewer sa id. . The two sides' discussion is [not] meaningful. . Next, the Opponent questioned. . R eporter replied: . We Reviewer sai d. .
reviewer’s suggestion Explore more parameters; The discussion should focus on